Labor Day 2023

To all those who made this day possible, thank you.  As Google pointed out to me today: "Today’s Doodle honors employees in the United States and Canada and those who fought and those that continue to advocate for better working conditions. In early September of 1882, the first commemoration of Labor Day took place in the form of a sprawling parade in New York City

"In the 19th century, trade and labor unions rallied and organized strikes to push for employment standards that often get overlooked today: 40-hour work weeks, paid time off, safety, and sick leave. Union leaders began advocating for a holiday that appreciates working people and the difference they make in the world. The Central Labor Union adopted a proposal for the celebration and began organizing the first NYC parade. 

"Oregon became the first to declare it a legal holiday in 1887. Several followed suit by the end of the year, but it wouldn’t become a federal holiday in the U.S. and Canada until 1894."

Because of this, I did not get up and go to work.  Instead I got to "sleep in" (for me that means anything past 5 AM) and when I woke (just before 6), I could see light peeking over the horizon.  Earlier this summer, I made a "promise" to myself that every day that I was down at the shore, I would walk up to the beach and take a moment to watch the surf.  There's no specific time that I "must" do this, but I do need to go up (hopefully walk) and take the time to observe what nature has given us.  Since the sun was not yet quite up, I decided that I would walk up and take a brief walk as the tide was lowish.  (I'm not a beach walker unless the tide is low.)

This morning I was lucky enough to observe a couple of things.

First, as I walked up to the beach entrance, I saw a hat perched on a pole by the entrance.  It was MY hat.  The hat that I had worn to the beach yesterday afternoon when I enjoyed several hours of sun and surf.  (As well as a good book:  One Summer in Paris  by Sarah Morgan which I picked up at my thrift shop and when finished will donate to the little free library by the corner of 6th Avenue).  When I packed up my items, it must have fallen out of my backpack.  It's not a great hat (as a matter of fact I was thinking of donating to the thrift shop), but it keeps my scalp from getting burned.  (Thin hair means burned scalp all too often.)  I hadn't even realized that I lost it.  But someone must have seen it in the sand and put it in a place (not the garbage) where I would be able to find it.  A simple, but generous act that started my day off right.

Second, as I approached the beach, I saw a group of "young people" (did I actually just use that term?) biking up.  They were in their late teens or possibly early twenties and clearly decided to take advantage of the morning and watch the sunrise over the ocean.    There were more people than usual up on the beach, taking advantage of the holiday and the coolest part of the day to see the sunrise.  As I walked north on the beach, I saw more people; diverse groups.  Proof to me that more people are appreciating and understanding the importance of moments of calms that can come with the rising of the sun.

Finally, I took the time to watch the sun come up over the ocean.  (Yes I know the sun doesn't actually come up, but that it's the planet that is doing the moving.)  I had never realized how quickly the sun would "rise"

While my photos are not particularly wonderful, they were taken over a matter of minutes (?)  It seemed to happen more quickly this morning.  (I know it didn't.)  One second it was barely on the horizon; then it seemed to float on the sea.  A moment later it was just above.  It made me appreciate how beautiful and miraculous the world is.  All we, the human race, have to do is take a moment to admire it. What we should also do is respect it.  We cannot control nature; nor should we try to.  (At least that is my opinion.)  We should admire what the universe (or God, if you prefer) has gifted us, as it is meant for us ALL.

There were two reminders on my walk (as I headed home), that we SHOULD (NEED) to cherish the creatures that we share this planet with.

Earth is OUR home.  This planet is not just meant for me or for you, but for ALL.  Everyone, everything has its place and we should (try to) respect that.  We need to remember that.

This Labor Day, take the time to look at the world around you.  Take a moment to appreciate the world which we have been blessed to inhabit.  The world can continue without us; we cannot continue without it.  Cherish what we have.  Respect what we have been given.  Appreciate and care.


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