The Update

 Thank you all who read yesterday's post ( and shared your comments and suggestions.

It seems like the ONE thing BoA does work quickly on is social media.  When I @BankofAmerica on twitter, suddenly their social media wanted to offer my condolences and escalate my case.  (Something they clearly couldn't do in an actual BoA location?)  Here was the chatter that flew pretty fast (at least in BoA time) last night: "We're very sorry for your loss and offer our deepest condolences. We can connect with you to see how we can help regarding this urgent matter. Please share your name and phone number, along with the zip code associated with the account. Thank you! ^joseph"

My response (I have edited personal information here that I did include to them) " Bfth (for the Estate of ***). You should have my phone number on file as I spent over an hour at your ** office, but it is ***-***-****.  The accounts (both my mothers and my father's account that also had my mother's name on it, but it was NOT her account) would be for zip code *****"

TEN MINUTES later I get this:  "Hi, Thank you for the information. Please allow us some time to review your inquiry and one of our social media client care specialists will follow up with you. ^joseph" And less than an hour after that:  "Thank you for the details of your concern Beth. Our deepest condolences to you and your family. I have escalated your concern to our Estate Services Specialist and we ask that you please allow 24 business hours to follow up. Please note, our Estate Servicing partners are available Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 8:00 pm ET and will reach out during our business hours. Additionally, here is some helpful information you may need in the process: ^priscilla"

I would encourage you to go to that link.  One of the first things you see is the picture at the top of my post.  Read over what they have to say.  A case specialist is assigned (but that case specialist is in some corporate office, not at any local BoA) and reviews everything.  Never mind the fact that I have already spent an hour in a BoA with an employee filling out forms and showing them all the documentation they should need.

I could go on and on, but I don't think I have to.  

As angry and upset as I am about this for me, I once again think of all the people who don't have the time or energy to fight through all of this.  I freely admit that the money that BoA is sitting on isn't a lot for them.  It IS a lot for the estate/me.  But what about others for whom this money means keeping the lights on, keeping a roof over their head, etc.  Executors who may have paid funeral expenses that they couldn't afford.   I did have enough money saved to pay for these things and am still able to continue my day to day life.  But I KNOW there are people who do not have that luxury.  What about them?    WHAT ABOUT THEM?

I'll end this here (because I haven't even had my coffee yet) and thank you again for reading and for responding.  As I said in my last correspondence to BoA:  "Thank you.  And that you for the link.  I am sharing it with my readers who are following along with my story.  I have to say my tale of my experience with BoA has brought me more readers and followers.  From the comments I have gotten seems like lots of people have had negative experience with you."


  1. Prepare yourself for the BS story they hand out. In your grief , you never submitted a Death Certificate. I had to submit 3 copies to as many people. I was dealing with Chase.


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