The Virus Diary: Random Updates and Musings for August 21, 2020

 Summer disappeared here in NJ this week.  Starting on Sunday it felt like fall.  I was visiting my parents over the weekend and Sunday I was wishing I'd brought some warmer clothes!  Who knew?  (Maybe I should have listened to Lonnie: When I got home that afternoon I actually took a warm shower and put on sweats!  Sweats on a Sunday afternoon in August?  I actually wore sweatpants on my Monday morning walk too!

All of this is going to change as temps start rising again next week.  While the fan has been off in the office and there's been no need for A/C in the bedroom at night, that's not going to last.  So I hope that gift card from Frigidaire shows up soon.  (  We are not out of summer yet and I have a sneaking suspicion that when we go get fall weather (for real) that we will also get slammed with a couple of sneaky summer-like days when we don't expect them.  (Like early November in 2015 when we were in shorts at the beach.)  Or conversely, may could get slammed with winter in October like we did in 2011.  (The year that Halloween was in November!)  2020 has been crazy in so many ways; why should the weather be any different?

The cooler temps and wet weather has certainly helped my "friend" Spragg. (  He is growing like a weed!  Maybe that's because he is covered in them!  

The jimson weed is in full bloom:  

Maybe I should have smoked some before I headed out to Shoprite this morning.  (Just KIDDING!  As WebMD points out:  "Despite serious safety concerns, jimson weed is used to treat asthma, cough, flu (influenza), swine flu, and nerve diseases. Some people use it as a recreational drug to cause hallucinations and a heightened sense of well-being (euphoria)." My safety comes above my need for euphoria!  Grocery shopping (and this week I did it without my husband) can be anxiety inducing. I go early to avoid crowds.  (Thank you Shoprite for opening so early!)  I just wish everyone would wear their masks properly; cover that nose.  (Of course I recently purchased two cool looking Twin Peaks inspired masks from the Showtime store and the cost and quality do not match up. One of the reasons I bought them, aside from being a huge Twin Peaks fan, is that the proceeds are being donated to a good cause (Feeding America), but masks are quite thin and they do not stay in place...I don't want to walk around with my nose uncovered or having to constantly move it up because it won't stay in place.)  My bill this week was really high!  I'm not putting the blame on the store...prices are going up everywhere and these days you have purchase items when you see them because they might not be there the next time you go shopping.  Case in point; though Clorox wipes (or the off brand) were available for a while.  Not in great supply and not cheap, but they were available.  Once the news hit a few weeks ago that they were not going to have enough stock until 2021, they disappeared again.  It's been a couple weeks and there is still a big hole on the shelf where they used to be.   I know I have options:  pay a price or use something else.  After all I lived most of my life without the product (they only came on the market about 20 years ago).  I can survive (and so can you)!

But I don't want to be all doom and gloom.  It doesn't get you anywhere and do we really need anymore?  So to end on a high note (that's a clue), sometimes patience and persistence pays off...

When I wrote this: I was frustrated.  On Wednesday night my frustration turned to elation (and I didn't even need Spragg to help) when I got an email from my son's replacement choir teacher.  (Remember, the original teacher was and apparently still is on maternity leave.)  The two teachers spoke and agreed that my son should be part of the choir that usually requires an audition.  (There were no auditions this spring; I didn't even know if there was going to be a 2nd choir.)  I don't know if they accepted him because they know his voice and think he's up to snuff or because they need more male voices or because they just don't want a kid to miss the opportunity to be a part of the music program due to scheduling issues.  (It's probably a combination of all of these.)  As difficult as this upcoming school year might be (and you know it's going to be difficult for EVERYONE), this news gives me hope.  (It also will give me some pain as this class meets during period 0:  7:10 AM!) And it reinforces my admiration for both teachers...heck it reinforces my admiration for ALL teachers who go above and beyond to make the educational experience one that is inclusive. Let's hear it for inclusivity, working together and finding solutions.  It IS possible.

Be safe and be well!


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