My Birthday Weekend and Other "Disasters"
Nothing says Happy Birthday like waking up at 3 in the morning and
feeling sick to your stomach. It should have been a warning to me of
things to come, like exploding pens, but other than not feeling well, I was
oblivious to what the long weekend held me for.
My birthday fell on a Friday
and I had taken the day off. It was also the day of my son's school's
music in the parks program. A day long program that includes 4
instrumental band and 2 vocal competitions and ends at an amusement
park. My husband has chaperoned for the past 3 years and this year I
decided as it fell on my birthday that I would take the day off and tag
along. My son had other ideas. No chaperoning; no tagging along.
Now maybe I could have
overridden his declaration. Maybe I should have. But after much
discussion; both my husband and I decided that if he didn't want us along; we
wouldn't go. As it happened, my parents are in the process of moving full
time into their "summer" home at the shore and over the past few
months I've been helping to clean out the house that I grew up in and move
certain items down to the shore. (This alone is its own blog post and one
for another time.) Since we weren't going on the trip, we could spend
that time transporting stuff from one location to another. My plan was to
get up at 4 (not much earlier than I usually do), but my brain/body had other
ideas, so 3 it was. I had to get my son up by 4:30 and out the door by
4:50. Do you have any idea how much fun it is getting a teen out of bed
at that hour? And then making sure he had a change of clothes? (Dressed
in black pants, white button down for the competition portion; shorts, t and
sneakers for later in the day at Dorney Park.) Forcing him to take suntan
lotion (which he never used), a bathing suit (again never used despite doing
activities in Wild Water Kingdom) and a towel. Making sure he had his
trumpet and lunch. (Breakfast was delivered for a nominal fee by
-- the BEST $10 I have spent in a long time. Thank you!) He
grudgingly gave me a (forced) kiss before getting into a friend's car (this dad
was allowed to chaperone).

We spent part of the morning unpacking the car and "relocating" items as well as bringing home some items (for delivery to our local thrift shop). I did manage to go for a walk (once I felt better) and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. However, it being a Friday in June, we knew we should not stay too long. We had a nice lunch before heading back North; this time the traffic was not as kind. (No surprise there.)
Spent the afternoon doing some cleaning and general work around the house. I was exhausted, but every time I tried to lay down and rest my brain would kick back into action and run a million miles an hour. I did get in a 10 minute nap, but that was about it.
Hubby offered to take me out to eat for my birthday, but neither of us was really feeling it. We just wanted to go to bed. But we still had to wait for the boy to get home. Bus didn't pull into the school until after 9. And then there was dirty laundry to contend with! Sigh...
You'd think I'd sleep in on a Saturday morning. You'd be wrong. My son and I had a living history event from 10-5. I was awake by 5 and we were dressed in our civil war garb and on the road by 9:15. It was a beautiful (but long) day, only marred by the fact that traffic in OUR town was diverted (due to another event) and trying not to get killed crossing the street to get to and from the event in Morristown. (There is a reason why it is called SPEEDwell Avenue.) It was a fun, but tiring day. It probably would not have been so tiring if it weren't for the fact that the day before was so exhausting.
Again, hubby offered to take me out to dinner, but I instead opted for fast food, figuring that it would be easier. WRONG. It was anything but fast. Let this be a lesson to me. After a long day, the one thing you don't want is to sit in the car and wait for fast food that takes over 15 minutes to get to you.

You'd think I'd sleep in on a Saturday morning. You'd be
wrong. My son and I had a living history event from 10-5. I was
awake by 5 and we were dressed in our civil war garb and on the road by 9:15.
It was a beautiful (but long) day, only marred by the fact that traffic in OUR
town was diverted (due to another event) and trying not to get killed crossing
the street to get to and from the event in Morristown. (There is a reason
why it is called SPEEDwell Avenue.) It was a fun, but tiring day. It
probably would not have been so tiring if it weren't for the fact that the day
before was so exhausting.
Again, hubby offered to take me
out to dinner, but I instead opted for fast food, figuring that it would be
easier. WRONG. It was anything but fast. Let this be a lesson
to me. After a long day, the one thing you don't want is to sit in the
car and wait for fast food that takes over 15 minutes to get to you.
So you probably think I'd sleep in after 2 busy days, but you'd be
wrong. On Sunday, I woke at 4:30 (which is my "usual" weekday
get up time) and there was no falling back asleep. To take advantage of
the day, I did my daily walk and took some time to have some coffee before
heading to church. To be honest, it was such a nice day, I would have
liked to have skipped the church bit and just relaxed in the sun with a good
book, but my son was being recognized as "graduating" from 8th grade
as well as being commissioned for a youth service trip this summer, so it was a
must do.
I COULD have taken a break
after that but I am an obsessive and crazy lady! (If you've been following this
blog for a while you already know that!) I decided to do some more
cleaning of my parents’ house since Monday is trash day. (And Wednesday is
bulky items day; so you KNOW what I'll be doing Tuesday night.) I filled their
trash can, 4 giant bag trash bags and somehow managed to cut my finger on the
screen door before throwing in the towel (at least for now.)
Meanwhile, somewhere in the
neighborhood, someone (or some restaurant nearby) was grilling steak.
Every time I stepped outside I could smell it and my mouth started to
water. Despite it being nearly five on a Sunday evening, I decided to run
to the local Shoprite and have a dinner of steak and fresh corn. What was
I thinking, right? Well, I clearly wasn't thinking because EVERYONE knows
that supermarkets on the weekends are crazytown and late in the
least I made it home in one piece!
But here's the true disaster of
the weekend...
I put a pot of water on to
boil. Hubby started the broiler and gets the steak going. I set the
table and pour myself a glass of wine (but not too much because the Tony Awards
started at 8 and I wanted to stay up and watch the whole thing). I was
out in the living room when I heard a loud pop/bang. Hubby was in the
kitchen and couldn't figure out what happened, but there is a pool/puddle of
black stuff on the floor and dripping down the pantry door. He's thinking
something in the pantry exploded, but I can't see anything amiss...other than
the gooey stuff.
Then I suddenly what has
happened. On the side of the oven we have several clip magnets.
Some of them hold potholders and oven mitts. Some of them are just
there. And then there is a magnetic metal basket which holds several dry
erase markers. Somehow, the basket has inched its way up from the towards
the back of the oven (where it would not be hot) up to the front by the oven
door. (But still on the side.) And I see smoke. I grab an oven mitt
and pull it off. Ink is dripping all over the place, so I grab a
dishtowel too and take it outside. Obviously, it had gotten so hot that
one of the pens exploded (I found bits on the floor in the kitchen and in the
dining room.) What a MESS! (Exploded dry erase markers are messier
than you might think!)
But then while cleaning this
mess up, I notice that a small bottle of vanilla extract in the pantry has
fallen over and is dripping down the INSIDE of the pantry door. While
vanilla extract may smell nice it can be quite sticky and difficult to clean; especially
if it's leaked down a rack that is hanging on the door.
Do I need to say that I had
more than one glass of wine after all this? And that as a result I didn't
make it all the way through the Tony Awards? (Although I got pretty the time I crashed I knew that "Hadestown" was going to
walk away with it.)
This was NOT the weekend I had
envisioned and it ALMOST made me happy to see Monday roll around. (Well
not quite happy.) The weekend was messy and exhausting...maybe the work
week will be more restful? (What AM I saying?)
Well, one can always hope.
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