It's Those Little Irritations...

You know the saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff..."  I don't think we're sweating it, it's just driving us crazy.  Or maybe it's just me???  It's those little things that drive me up a tree and set my teeth of edge.  Things like...
  • It's going to snow later today.  It's going to snow A LOT.  Then it's going to rain and be a major mess.  Not the end of the world, but certainly irritating!  Especially when you deal with traffic. And these days is there ANY area where traffic is not an issue?  There is no such thing as rush hour anymore because it's ALWAYS rush hour.  Ok, maybe not at 3 AM, but...
  • As stated above, it's going to snow.  As a result, school is letting out early today.  (Good planning!)  My son (who if you've been reading this blog lately, you know has been sick) is heading back to school today.  Usually he'd walk, but I drove him this morning.  No snow yet, but it is cold and about a mile away.  I may or may not be able to pick him up when he gets out.  Because of the shortened day and weekly music lessons, he will NOT attend gym today so there is no reason why he NEEDS to wear sneakers.  (Never mind the fact that he should keep a pair of sneakers in his gym locker...all that could be another bullet point on this ever growing list).  He has warm hiking boots that are excellent for this type of weather.  I gently suggested that he consider wearing the boots.  I don't have to tell you what he wore right?
  • There is a metallic cricket in my car.  Ok, that's just crazy, I know.  But there's a metallic "chirp" that randomly happens in my car.  (Yes, I've had the car checked out and there's no known reason.)  It doesn't happen all the time.  But when it does happen it's like a crazy cricket.  It's somewhere in the dashboard, but I can't figure out where and I can't figure out why. It comes and it goes.  (I thought it might have had something to do with the heat in my car, but nope...)  And when it's like nails on a blackboard!
  • Spam that is not spam.  I regularly get emails to my Gmail work account that are flagged as spam.  They are emails that I NEED to see, as they tell me that an email campaign has successfully deployed.  (This is something I need to know in order to do my job.)  I have repeatedly pulled these items out of my spam folder and marked them not as spam.  I have set up a label/rule marking all mail from this email address.  Still they keep going to spam.  I have tried numerous tricks and yet...
  • LISTEN to me.  It drives me up a tree (and back) that I will tell my son something and then 2 seconds later...heck, I could go on for hours about all the irritations a teen can bring.  WHY do I have to tell him two or three times to do something and then CHECK and make sure that he does it?  Why do I have to ask/remind him to brush his teeth? Shouldn't this be inbred at this point?
You know this list could go on and on, but you're probably tired of reading all this.  Besides you've got your own little irritations to deal with, don't you?  You do, right?  Share them with me and let me know that I'm not the only one who's getting tension headaches over all this POINTLESS stuff.

And that's the crux of the problem. These irritations are pointless.  They are NOT life changing.  But boy do they get under my skin.

Maybe someday I'll figure out a way to laugh off all of this.  Maybe?  If you have advise, I'm ready to listen.  Although like my son...maybe I'm not ready to take some good advise.  On the other hand...


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