A Vote With No Confidence

Its primary day here in NJ.  As always I got my vote out (wasn't #1 in line as usual, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with being #2).  I encourage everyone to get out there and make their voice heard. 

But I have to be honest, with this primary I was tempted NOT to vote.  It seems like the decision has been made for the presidential election this November.  But even if the person I feel would be the best to fill the role, I have an obligation to get out there and vote.  I don't HAVE to cast my vote for who the SUPPOSED nominee is.  I can vote for someone else (even if they are not officially still in the race).  Is it a wasted vote?  Maybe.  But hopefully it also sends a message.  My message today is that I'm NOT happy with the way things are going (in either party).  Will my message be heard?  Maybe; maybe not.  But I felt I had to do it.

But it's not just about the presidential nominees in today's primary, although the media might have you think so.  There are plenty of "little" local guys and gals out there.  They deserve our consideration and we NEED to make a choice there as well.  Local can be just as important as national.  After all these are the people living in your backyard.  Maybe they won't change the world, but they can change your neighborhood.

If today is YOUR primary day, make sure you go in knowing what you need to know.  And remember it's not all about who will be on the ballot for president in the fall.  On a local level, your vote really does matter.  And on a national level, EVERY voice needs to be heard.


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