A Journey Ends

Today, a nearly three-year journey ended for me and for five other people who I can happily call friends.  It has been a long and exhausting trek.  But today the fruits of our blood, sweat and tears were rewarded.  (Believe me, there was a lot of blood, sweat and tears!) Today, the congregation to which I belong, voted to call and install a new pastor.  

When I was initially asked  to be on the Interim Pastor Nominating Committee, I never imagined it would turn into a 3 year run.  I don't think anyone did.  But as we made our way, mostly unguided, becoming the Designated Pastor Nominating Committee and eventually the Pastor Nominating Committee we NEVER gave up.  We fought.  We disagreed.  We laughed.  We cried.  We often felt as though we were lost and abandoned (not by God, but our domination's hierarchy).  But we never gave up.  I know MY faith waivered, but I had the support of 6 other people to guide me through.  (We were a committee of 6, but through the process one member had to resign, leading us to a new recruit on our "team.”)  The road was long and hard; harder than it should have been, and today was an emotional one for me as we could at last close the window as a new door opened.

Working with a group of 5 other people who represent a cross section of the congregation was a blessing and a challenge.  What I thought I knew about these people, I often did not.  Any preconceived notions I might have had were often blown out of the water.   We have come to share a bond that no others can understand.  Others may have walked a similar road, but will never truly know what challenges we had to face.

I am glad that our group has officially been dissolved.  I am thrilled that there will be no more long evening meetings (as I am sure our families are too).  I am over the moon and back that we were FINALLY blessed with a new pastor who goes above and beyond what I have prayed for.  (So, you see there IS a reason why this journey took so long!)  But more than that I am grateful that I had the opportunity to serve with such wonderful people.  I have come away with so much more than I could have imagined.  I will forever have a bond that only they can understand.  Perhaps you do have to undergo trials to fully appreciate what you have (or who you are with).  Through stress and strain, I know that these are strong people and that if I ever needed anything  (and I'm not just talking within the church), that I could call on them.  (And they could call on me.)

Our journey is over; a new journey is about to begin.  Having been a part of the PNC, I know that the next portion of "the ride" will be an incredible one.  Our work as a committee might be over, but our work as a part of a congregation under a new minister is just beginning.  I know that there are many wonderful things to come.

Thank you to my fellow committee members:  Ann, Barb, Caroline, Doug, Eric, Mike.  God has made our lives richer by serving together.  (It may not have seemed like it when we were down in the trenches, but look what we have accomplished!  We may not have raised Lazarus from the dead, but we came pretty darned close!)  Thank you for having me part of the team.  Thank you for taking the journey with me.  There IS work still to be done, but for now let me raise my glass to you all and say, "Job well done.  Thank you."

God bless us all.


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