Speed Up

Yesterday, when my son was sick, I had no choice, but to slow down.  He needed me (and my husband) and so we were there.  No running around.  No going crazy.  (Although I did do more than my share of laundry.)  Best part of the day?  The very end of the day (after the late afternoon crash and burn with tears and finally a nap), when he was feeling better and we all cuddled up and watched "The Simpsons" together as a family; laughing.

But today we're back to "normal".  Although I'm not sure "normal" is what I want.  It's time for me to speed up again.  Which isn't necessarily a good thing.

It started when I got up this morning and realized that I only had enough lunch for today to take to work.  (Usually I like to have a week's worth ready to go.)  That means that I've got to make a stop after work.  Not my favorite thing to do.

Then I went to get dressed.  Went to look for a pair of pantyhose and found none.  That box in the drawer?  It was empty.  Nothing like an empty box.  So I switched things around and am wearing something else, but that means I need to run out sometime and get more pantyhose.  (And I'm pretty bummed that my favorite tights by E G Smith are out of stock at all the places I usually shop on line.)

There was the Brita water filter.  It's red.  Time to change.  Of course I have no more in stock.  (Although I do have a coupon that I can use the next time I go to the grocery store.  Try to wait until they go on sale, because as great as they are; they are a bit pricey).

Then there's the question:  Do I run to Target on my lunch break to pick up some of these things?   The Target is right near my office, but I only have 30 minutes?  What do I pick up?  The hose?  The Brita filter?  I need shampoo too...hmmm...Is there really time to do all this?

As I question and write all this, I'm on the clock to head out the door to work.  I had a little time to glance through the paper and rushed the crossword puzzle (thank goodness Monday as is the easy one) with my coffee (which I never finished).

And I'm thinking I need another "Slow Down" day.  This time one without the sickness (so there will be less laundry).  If I could only find the time...


  1. I told mom this weekend that I was ready to retire. Just have fun slow days of crafting, relaxing and no stress all the time...but alas I have not won the Powerball so we just keep trucking on. Oh and we usually let the filter on the water go about twice as long as they say... =)


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