A Season of Change

October has arrived on our doorstep.  Even though it might not feel like it here in the northeast (it is supposed to be in the low 80s for the next few days!), autumn is here and the season of transitions is upon us.

October to me is truly the month that exemplifies autumn.  The trees are brilliant with color.  It's a subtle change that starts in September and comes into full glory in October.  By the end of the month they will be mostly gone; and November will bring us the beginnings of the chill of winter.  (A season, which I must confess, is my least favorite.)

My son embraces the month.  I think it is perhaps his favorite.  The anticipation of Halloween is upon him.  It's not just about the day, but about the decorations that keep popping up.  Every day brings new sights to see as more and more neighbors put up spooky skeletons and fat jack-o'-lantern.   There are scarecrows, mums and cornstalks alongside the piles of leaves.  One neighbor has a yard filled with ghosts and ghouls while another has funny (and friendly) smiling faces on pumpkins.  Day to day there are changes and surprises.

There is also the excitement of dressing up for Halloween.  In our house, the planning for what my son's costume will be often starts right after his birthday in August.  This is not a decision to be taken lightly and is most likely changed several times before the final decision is made.  And there are also the details.  The costume cannot be something simple.  For example, when he was a vampire (and quite handsome one at that) some years back; it wasn't just the cape and the fangs (which he didn't wear anyway).  It was all about the jewel around his neck and the skull ring on his finger.  This year we are once again debating the details...will we find white gloves?  Is a sword really necessary?  (Not from my point of view, but of course from his it definitely is.  It's any one's guess as to which way this one might go.)

Change is in the air in October.  Is it any wonder children get so excited about Halloween?  The chance to dress up and to get get candy!  It is the chance to embrace being a kid!  So as autumn "falls" around us; embrace the change!  Let yourself feel the excitement of this new month and season.  Enjoy all that sights, smells and tastes (Pumpkin spice!  Apple cinnamon!) that this wonderful month (and season) has to offer us.


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