Happy Holidays?


The year is finally coming to an end.  I’d heave a sigh of relief except that I'm apprehensive of what the new year might bring.  And this holiday season has not been one of the best.  As a matter of fact the holidays were not unlike the rest of the year from my view:  stressful!  This holiday season brought anxiety in the form of my job (which I've dwelled on way too much, I know..sorry! ), travel (heading out to PA after an evening church service, a sink hold on route 80 resulting in detours and traffic backed up for miles), home (water main breaks and boiling water, no way to get groceries right before the holiday so having an "untraditional" holiday  meal) and friends/family (passing of a friend's mom.)  Is it any wonder why I don't want to get out of bed in the mornings (and why I crawl in so early at night to "hide away" from the darkness?)  I'll admit that this year, not unlike years past, I feel tested and tired.  When I say I’m exhausted, I’m not just talking about the physical, but emotional, spiritual and mental.   This rock is ready to crumble!

Although I may feel like I want to crumble, I know I need to still stand firm.  (Isn't that what we strong women do?)  In the midst of all the stress and anxiety (which I still feel and am pretty confident will follow me into the new year), I need to recognize the "good stuff" that happened in and around this holiday.  Despite the "bad" there is always good and this year it sometimes came in unexpected places.

  • I sent a gift to someone who has helped me keep my sanity (somewhat) this year.  I ended up going to a post office that I had never gone to before.  It is really small with two people working there (one who was there by happenstance as he works in maintenance) and I got to talking to them.  In just a few minutes I felt like I got to know these people.  It was such a friendly interaction; it gave me warm fuzzies.  (And in a post office no less!)  I know that if I have to go to the post office in the future, this is the place I will go to.  

  • Visiting with my aunt and bringing up holiday cookies.  I went crazy making cookies and nothing will warm your heart faster than seeing someone enjoy them.  (Especially when they look better than they taste...my cookies crumble!)  My son and I got to spend some quality time with her and it was great.  We just sat around and talked.  She reminds me of my dad (well, she is his sister) and I really needed that reminder.  With the day to day chaos, I don't drive up to see her enough.  I'm so glad that we were able to make the time this holiday season. 

  • Since it was just the three of us this Christmas, we decided to take a quick drive up to Skytop.  We wanted to see the decorations and wish friends who we knew would be working a Merry Christmas.  Amazingly, I was able to find a parking place easily.  Even though the resort was a little crazy (would expect nothing less on Christmas), we were able to share hugs and greetings with those who we have come to consider an extended part of our family.

  • Talking on the phone with a cousin (my link back to my mother) and hearing the happiness and joy in his voice.  He too has been through a lot of "stuff" over the past few years and it felt so good to hear (and know) that not only has he made it through, but he is (to steal a quote) "living his best life."  His joy is ours and nothing could have made us feel better on Christmas day.

  • An after holiday phone call/check in from a family friend (a friend so close, that we consider her our "aunt" and I know that she considers us family as well.)  She is elderly and while she is definitely slowing down, her wit and wisdom will never age.  She never fails to make me smile or think.  She inspires and gives sage advice.

Even in the most stressed out holiday seasons when nothing seems to be going right , I CAN find peace, joy and love.  And if I can find it, so can you.  It doesn't matter where you find it, it's that you find it.  Look in the unexpected places and cherish those moments that bring a smile to your face and calm to your soul.  Then we can truly have happy holidays and maybe even a peaceful new year.


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