Time to Explore

 In addition to moving  "stuff" (aka some of our junk) out to the Poconos, I've tried to take some time (not a lot...yet) to explore Barrett Township and the general area a bit.  Even before we closed on the house, I made sure we knew where the local ShopRite was.  I checked out the excellent little grocery store in walking distance, as well as the CVS.  Because we've been busy unloading, unpacking and organizing, we haven't had that much time to explore, but I made a concerted effort this week to check out local businesses.

To that end, both my husband and I now have library cards.  I have taken out (and returned) a book already.  Over the past few days we have visited the local hardware store twice (over two consecutive days).  We visited two antique stores (one of which I loved).  We're enjoying our explorations, just as we are enjoying turning this house into our home.  (Which is going to take a LONG time.)

While we are new to the area, there are also parts of it that we know quite well.  Which is why on Friday night (our 28th wedding anniversary) we dined at one of my favorite places (where I know my allergies would be taken care of):  The Windsor Dining room at Skytop.  Now usually we eat there when we stay at the resort, but since we live nearby (not on the property though...residences go for sale rarely and when they do go faster than you can dial your real estate agent), I emailed the manager (who I have gotten to know quite well) and he made the arrangements, which included having the chef meet with me when we sat down.

My husband and I haven't really celebrated our anniversary "officially" in years.  We used to make a big deal of it and plan a vacation around the date but once our son was born that kind of went by the wayside. This year it was time to do something again and dining at Skytop was the perfect thing to do.  We had a wonderful evening.  Not only was the food incredible (the lamb chop "starter"  created  by Sous Chef Brandy is my favorite and I had them double the portion so I could enjoy it as an entree), but so was the company.  The staff have become friends and since it was not a busy night, there was time for us to chat.  One of the managers even sat down at our table to talk for a while.  We ate, drank and enjoyed ourselves.  It was the nicest evening out we'd had in a long time.  Additionally, the manager (although not on site that evening), treated us to coffee and dessert. It was such a wonderful evening, I think we are going to make this a monthly "thing."  (My wallet may cry, but my taste buds will be overjoyed) 

Vegan Peaches & Cream dessert that I can't wait to try again 

Saturday I explored a local craft fair, we had a mailbox installed at the end of the block (now we just need to get mail) and followed some back roads to find the closest Staples for a new office chair for hubby.  Sunday was a beautiful day...sunny and warm.  One of those days where there are signs of fall, even though it's still officially summer.  Warm (but not too hot), the outdoors called me and I couldn't resist a return to Skytop for an hour or two to explore (or should that be re-explore) one of my favorite trails.

Yes, I have walked the lake trail (which is an easy walk) time and time again and yet I can't help myself.  I return over and over again.  I take tons of photos.  I can't resist.  The landscape is so calming and beautiful.  I am not a skilled photographer, yet here is what I captured. The beginnings of the colors of autumn, combined with the late blooms of summer.

Though we still have quite a lot of work to do at the house, exploration of this beautiful area as summer turns to fall is something that I refuse to miss.  Taking in all  the glory that nature has to offer is a must.  Wherever you are, be sure to do the same.  You won't regret it!


  1. These are lovely photos! Each could be framed for your home!. Continue enjoying the excitement of your new home!


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