Walking Again


After several weeks of no early morning walks, I was up and out this morning.  There were several reasons for this lapse.  First I was still "recovering" from the removal of a cyst on my neck.  The reflective vest that I wear when I walk would have rubbed again it and it was already irritated enough.  (To be honest the bandage adhesive did more of a number on my skin than the stitches...and I think it caused more pain/irritation than the actual incision.)  Also the past few weeks have been rainy and/or incredibly humid. (https://bfthsboringblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/its-too-darned-humid.html); I guess I'm getting old as I just don't want to deal with that...getting to the bus stop was enough.

However, today the air was cool(ish) and crisp, I was ready to get back out there and at it. It felt like years since I'd been out and my pace showed it.  I was NOT going fast...not that I ever really did, but...I do feel like it's harder to keep a pace when it is still dark out.  The days are definitely getting shorter.  It's something you really notice when you are out at 4:30 in the morning.  (Yes, I'm out that early, especially on days when I have to go into the office and rely on public transportation.)  By early August that sun just isn't peeking over the horizon like it is in June or early July.  I'm not going to focus on what it will be like in just a few weeks as we head into September and the fall.  (Although, early autumn is my favorite time of year.  The weather just after Labor Day seems to change, offering cooler evenings, but warm days.  That often extends into mid or even late October and I LOVE it!)

With the skies still being dark, I did get a nice view of the stars and planets this morning.  (Of course the view would have been even nicer if I was on the beach or in the mountains where there would be minimal light pollution.  That is unless you lived in the house that I just sold:  https://bfthsboringblog.blogspot.com/2024/02/light-pollution-it-is-thing.html)  I admit that I know very little about the sky, but it seemed that the stars/planets were a little brighter.  I'm pretty sure I saw Mars as this one point seemed reddish/orange.  (Mars is the red planet, right?  Or am I getting that wrong). There was another planet (or so I am assuming) sort of diagonally aligned with it.  Could that have been Jupiter?  (I'm guessing based on Google images but correct me if I'm wrong.)  When clear our skies are awesome.  Perhaps I'm late to the game on this one, but I hope that soon(ish) I can find myself in a place where I can really take it all in, without all the extraneous light.

Of course the skies lightened as I went along (although not enough to speed me up much) and the red/orange dot in the sky seemed less so.  But there was something else for my mind to focus on...itching.

My arms (which were bare) were starting to itch.  Since it was still dark, I couldn't see what was going on and I tried my best to ignore it.   It didn't work, but I did try.  When I got home, I could see that both arms were reddish and I did have a few hives.  Further inspection showed that my upper legs were red as well.  It was all very reminiscent of my mother.  (Is this a sign?)  My mother had lots of issues with her skin and she was always scratching and putting lotion on.  When I got home, I did the same.  I slathered myself in calming cream and put some hydrocortisone on some the hives.  When that did not provide enough relief.  (or provide it fast enough), I did decide to take an allergy pill.  As I write this the redness has mostly gone away.  But all of this made me reflect on my mother.  How much the skin on my arms resembles hers.  And that I continually (but  not constantly) scratch the space on my right hand where my thumb meets my hand...which is exactly what my mother used to do.  (Of course as I write this it really started to itch...just call me Ms. Psychosomatic.)

Of course, as I almost always do, I've gotten off track.  The point was supposed to be that I'm back out there walking as I have done regularly over  decade. (Where does the time go?)  I'm getting older and I'm getting slower.  I've learned when I shouldn't walk and will try to keep walking wherever and whenever I can.  (Cold and wet weather are both foes that I won't fight.)  I highly recommend it.  

One final reminder, if you're going out early like I am, wear reflective clothing and/or some sort of glowing device.  You have to look out for you...others won't.  Although I'd also like to remind EVERYONE that just because you don't see someone, you still have to stop for the stop sign.  Stop means stop, day or night, traffic or not.  Remember it.  Follow it.


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