It's Too Darned Humid

With apologies to Cole Porter's brilliant song "It's Too Darned Hot" (from "Kiss Me Kate"), forget the heat; it's the humidity.  In my area the humidity has been unbelievable for the past week (?)  The weather (partially due to Hurricane/Tropical Storm Debbie) has been disgusting.  (Of course it's nothing next to the havoc that the storm has laid out to the south east part of the country.  I know this is going to be a horrible year for hurricanes and tropical storms and in plain terms that just sucks.)

Let me go back to last Saturday, because I THINK that’s when it began.  (Maybe it was earlier?  With all this humidity I think mold is growing on my brain and maybe some other parts of my body which I won’t get into, but ladies, you KNOW what I mean.)  I was driving home from PA and continually drove into downpours.  The rain was so bad that I could hardly see.  It would go on for about 5 minutes and then I'd clear the cloud and be good for a while.  Then I'd catch another downpour, white knuckle it for 5 or so minutes (although it felt like hours as I drove) and then be good again.  This went on for more cycles than I can recall.  I can't remember being so happy to pull into my driveway.  (I really thought I was going to hit one more as I got closer to home, but thankfully did not.)  It’s one thing to drive in the rain, it’s another to drive when you can barely see.  Maybe I should have gotten down on my knees and kissed the asphalt?

The moisture has hung around since then.  Even when it wasn't raining on Tuesday and Wednesday, walking out the door to the bus stop was like walking into a wet towel.  Getting to the bus stop is probably on 1/4 of a mile, but by the time I got there, I was a hot mess. Not exactly how I want to start my work day. (Definitely NOT how I want my co-workers to see me.)

Yesterday, the temperature finally dropped.  Open the windows and the doors!  Let the cool air in, but...While my house cooled down it also became damp and just plain awful.  Every single surface in my house is (yes, I'm going to use the word), MOIST.  When I walk around in sandals or slippers my feet make this sucking noise.  I sound like an octopus with my tentacles being removed from the glass of my aquarium.  (Sorry, that's what it sound like.)  My towels won't dry.  Everything I touch is damp, or worse sticky!  And forget trying to use the stove/oven.  The humidity has done a number on that too.  (Just when it finally cooled down enough for me to consider using it.)

Finally, my house smells like wet cardboard.  I have a lot of moving boxes (still figuring out thing that I brought home from the shore) and my son will be going back to college in a couple of weeks, so the house is filled with cardboard boxes.  There are boxes EVERYWHERE.  I can't clean the house because every surface is covered in items that are either moving out or need to be stored away once other items have been moved out.  (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)  Ignore the dust and all the dirt that has been tracked in.  I will get to it sometime.  I don't know when that time might be, but it's NOT when the humidity is over 100%

Keep the temperature.  Keep the breezes.  Get RID of the damp!  I’m ready for some sun.  How about you?


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