Saturday the 14th Thoughts

Yes, it's a follow up to Friday's post.  And like the 6 Saturdays preceding it; it's raining.  Ugh...what is this?  Seattle?  No, this is not Seattle it's NJ.  (Even Frasier Crane has left Seattle...for a return to Boston.  And I'm pleased to say that at least the first episode is laugh out loud funny and worthy of the bar that was set by the original series. I sat down with a glass of wine [sangria with ice -- Frasier would shudder] and some popcorn [wine and popcorn can work together] and had fun. Looking forward to episode two and hoping that the series continues to be as funny.)  What to do on yet another rainy Saturday?

Drive out to Pennsylvania to see my in-laws!  My husband and I hadn't been out to see them in a long time.  (They have come to see us several times; including a late summer Saturday visit at the shore.)  My mother-in-law's birthday is this/next week (Happy Birthday in advance mom), so it was the perfect time to take them both out to lunch. (We also got to enjoy some autumn colors on our drive out; even with gray skies, yellow, orange and red trees raised my spirits.) While we didn't have a birthday cake, we got a slice of key lime pie and while we didn't have a candle for her to blow out, the restaurant instead provided us with this:

However, before we got to fun and food, we had some realistic issues that my (very smart) mother-in-law wanted to cover.  Both she and my (step) father-in-law have signed paperwork giving my husband power of attorney and medical proxy.  She has seen what I have gone through (and had gone through a somewhat similar situation with her parents some years ago) and is wise enough to know what needs to be done.  If my husband is unable, I have been named as "back up" and my son is back up to my back up.  The four of us also spent over an hour at their bank, where my husband and I were added to their accounts so that we can access funds as needed.  This takes a great deal of trust and respect from all parties and again, while it isn't something fun, I'm pleased that my mother is thinking ahead.  (And trusts us to do what is right should the need ever arise.)  I like to think of it as carrying an umbrella to stave off the rain.  Now that everything is in place, she won't have to worry and neither will we.

After a filling and fun lunch, hubby and I headed back to NJ in the pouring rain.  (It's Saturday, remember?)  We headed to the shore house, making a couple of pit stops.  The first was to visit Cream Ridge Winery. It's a lovely place to visit and I'm sure it's even better when it's not pouring rain.  If it had been nicer I would have stayed longer.  As it was, my husband decided to wait in the car with his paper, so I didn't want to spend too much time.  (If it had been sunny, he could have sat outside and perhaps the two of us could have done some exploring of the vineyards.)  It was a little crowded, but I wanted to purchase some more wine (after having enjoyed my purchases at the Brick Farmer's Market from  several Saturday's ago).  I believe they have a wonderful wine tasting experience, but since I was in somewhat of a hurry, I just took advantage of one of the "three for free" samples while I decided what wines I wanted in my case.  (My credit card took quite a beating this Saturday.)

We continued on to the shore, stopping once more (briefly) to pick up a handful of items at the grocery store.

Once at the house, the note from the insurance company gnawed at me (  I checked under the sink.  NO LEAK. The "pot" was a tarnished silver bowl (with the silver polish sitting in it...some day I will polish) and there was no evidence of any wetness. 

So, do I call a plumber for a non-existent leak?  Then I went up to the attic to look at the furnace.  The attic is indeed dusty and messy, but the furnace works very well. (As soon as I walked in the house, I turned up the heat and it was quickly warm and toasty).  I took a photo of the manufacturer's label, which shows (via the serial number) that the unit was manufactured 17 years there is NO way that it could be 35 years old.  (Even though I can do the math.)  I don't know WHEN it was installed, but 20+ years ago is an impossibility.  And while I can't attest to the roof (and if provided with a list of roofing contractors), I'd be happy to have it inspected by a professional, but there was no evidence of any leaks or dampness and it was pouring while I was up there.  (The only issue I can find is that it's REALLY dusty and messy in the attic.  Should flood insurance companies be concerned with that?)  I shared this information via email with the agent; let's see what happens next.  I'm happy to fix broken items, but as the old saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it.")

I concluded the day with wine, popcorn and Frasier,  (Returning to the classic episodes and eager to see more of the revival.)  Not bad for a rainy Saturday.


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