Just Show Up
One of my favorite shows (which I tend to watch ad naseum in reruns) in Mom . The show has inspired me to write several blog posts (example: https://bfthsboringblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/alone.html ). Late last night I was in sitting in a community center and a line from Season 5, Episode 8 came to mind (yes, I Googled it) "Just show up." (I hope I quoted that right...I had problems finding the clip that I wanted). These words rang true for the situation I found myself in and I realized how important they are. In life we all need to "just show up." Everything we do, everything we believe in starts with "just show up." Just showing up, can tell the world who you are; what you feel and what you believe in. Just showing up reveals who you are. It simply starts with being present and then it can (if you so choose) to move on from there. But it begins with "just show up." So if you are wondering why this all came to me in...