So Long Spooky; Hello Thankful

Another Halloween has come and gone.  I think this is my son's favorite holiday, as he plans and decorates and plans some more.  Our front yard "display" seems to grow and evolve every year under his command and this year he decided to expand the Halloween 'cheer' to his room. (I'll admit I wasn't too thrilled with all of the "cobwebs.").  For the first time he and his friends went out on their own with no chaperone.  (This meant that I didn't get any extra walking in yesterday; which I am sure will be reflected in tomorrow's battle with the scale.  All the candy is just too tempting!)  He came home with a sack full of candy (though not as much in past years; he said his friends "pooping out" held him back!) and still full of excitement of the adventure.  For that I am truly thankful.  Thankful that I live in an area where my son can go out for his evening stroll or trick or treating with his friends and I don't have to worry.  (Ok, I don't have to worry that much, because I'm a mom who is always going to worry!)

My husband and I love Halloween too.  We dress up every year (always as the same thing...the host and hostess of the Haunted Mansion) and our home, both inside and out, has an air of spooky, but no scary.  The only downside to this was that we got less than handful of kids last night.  My husband said all the decorating wasn't worth it, but I disagree.  My son loves it, I love it and the few people that came by loved it too.  (Plus neighbors had been to see our outdoor display prior to the actual holiday.)  I'm thankful that we are able to put this together every year and have fun while we are doing it.

Once the trick or treating is over however, I like to move on to the next big holiday:  Thanksgiving.  (I use the word big because as we all know there is another holiday BEFORE Thanksgiving:  Veteran's Day.)  Maybe it doesn't get all the buzz that Halloween does (except in the grocery store circulars), but in between the commercialism of Halloween and Christmas (not that either necessarily SHOULD be so consumer focused), I think it's important to take some time to reflect and be thankful.

So this morning, before sunrise (you KNOW I'm up early every morning and with the days getting shorter, my mornings start in darkness), I was taking down the indoor decorations and replacing them with the "every day" (i.e. the family photos returned to the mantel) and even managed to get 75% (or maybe a little more) of the outdoor decorations put away.  (And I only stepped on/set off the moaning doormat once!)  The ghost on the front door has been replaced with a harvest welcome, the calendar has been flipped to the new month and the dishtowels in the kitchen maintain an autumnal theme.

I want to enter November with a tone of gratitude.  I want to BE thankful the whole month long.  I want to recognize the blessings that surround me.  To this end, I know that I need to be more mindful.  I need to THINK before I speak or act.  (So easy to say, but not quite so to do.)  I intend to make this a month of THANKS GIVING.


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