This is NOT Your Home

Let me make it perfectly DON'T Belong here.  You are NOT wanted here.  I want you to leave NOW.  I thought you'd be gone already and yet you are STILL here.  GET OUT!

If you think that I'm not sounding friendly, you are absolutely right.  But I'm  not talking to or about people, I'm talking about those darned Cicada Killer Wasps (again!).

When I blogged back in July (, I thought they'd be gone soon.   They are not!  And what completely freaks me out is that the number of them this year.  That and the way my walkway's a complete mess!

Ever single one of those dirt patches (and there are more that were not captured in this photo) were attempts for a nest.  I've been filling them in.  My husband has been spraying them (in mid air some times) with wasp killer.  (I wait till they land.  I never thought I'd tell my husband triumphantly, "I nailed two b*tches this morning."  Not appropriate coffee conversation but nevertheless...)  We've gone through countless cans of wasp killer and still they come back for me.  Shouldn't they have gotten the picture by now?  I mean it's not even a "good" year for cicadas around here.  (I haven't seen one this season.  Sure, I've heard them, but in the past I've seen them and/or their "shell.)  

Just this past weekend my husband must have killed a dozen and I'm NOT exaggerating.  Just when you think you've got them all...another one comes flying by at dusk.

I know there are more pressing matters going on in our mixed up world right now, but I don't want to talk about those.  (They disgust me more than this gross flying creatures and they  both make me want to throw up.)  All I want is my front yard AND my back patio (because yes, they've started to take over there too.) to be MINE again.  A place where I can sit in my faux (plastic) Adirondack chair and read my book while soaking up the sun and enjoying the peace and quiet.  As long as they are around, it's not happening!  Is that asking too much?

I'll just keep arming myself with Raid and either they will catch on or they will all die.  (I supposed they will EVENTUALLY go away, but...)  I am a woman on a mission.  This is NOT your's mine...Now GET OUT!


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