Hallelujah! Spring is Here!

The warm weather has finally hit us.  (Although I know it won't last with dire predictions of snow and cold weather for next week.)

It is truly a fine Friday night.   The sun is still out (though waning in the west) and there a bunch of kids running around my block.  (My own included.)

They were out after school today running around the backyards.  My son was sorry to leave the gang to go grocery shopping with his parents and acted somewhat like a sullen teen as we pulled away in our car.  But he was joyous when we returned and they were still out and hard at play.  He woofed down his dinner.  (Which I let him do).  And then it was back out to play.

There are numerous kids running through my backyard.  They are being boisterous and loud.  They are being kids.  Out for the first time this season. Out after dinner enjoying the still sunny day.

I know it won't last, but it's here today...Hallelujah!  Spring is here!   Forget the birds and flowers and other signs of the season.  The real sign is the laughter of children as they run and play.

Hallelujah!  Spring is here!


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