Early Morning Thoughts: Tuesday, July 11th

 My alarm went off at the usual weekday morning time. (4:44; which you may think is too early, but it used to be 4:14.  I used to get up that early and REALLY walk.  That changed when I hurt my knee in December and while I do still walk, I'm definitely not as fast nor do I walk as far.  In some ways I've become a lazy blob; not getting enough exercise and eating too much crap.  This needs to change.  Any GENTLE support with that would be appreciated because I'm not ready to drastically change my life.  I've had WAY too much change over the past year.  I need gentle and kind change.)  I didn't want to get up.  I've been ignoring my alarm (and my walks) more and more because I'm just too tired. (Or I'm just too lazy...you make the call.)  But today, despite being up too late (at least for me), I got up.  (I'll have to admit that the alarm must have been going off for several minutes before my consciousness finally realized it.  It's a gentle-ish alarm which I usually catch early, but I had my phone on the other side of the bed, so....)

Got up and got dressed.  I wanted to see the sunrise over the ocean.  I also needed to get my coffee at Wawa.  (Because Wawa!)

In spite of all that I (and my family) have been through over the past 10 days, it was a beautiful morning.  Although the NJ shore is pretty crazy during the summer, on this Tuesday summer morning (at least during the early morning hours) it was (relatively) quiet and calm.  The humidity was low (or is thus far) and I really felt at peace as I walked up to the beach.  (Peace!  Calm!  ME???)  (Of course as I write this, the trucks are starting to pull into the block to start work on the house diagonally across the street so it WILL be a noisy day eventually.)

Was it worth getting up?  It'll let these photos tell the story.  (And I'll admit that I'm NOT a great photographer and I was using my phone for a camera.)


I walked for a half mile (give or take) on the sand and letting the warm water lap at my feet.  (And it was deliciously warm.  Could a lunch beach break be in my future?).  Then I deserted the sand for the pavement and hit my favorite Wawa (#949) for my morning coffee and iced tea (for later.)  But look:


What is going on?  I could understand why there was limited/no diet peach or raspberry over 4th of July weekend.  It's summer. I'm at the beach.  I NEED Wawa diet peach (or raspberry) iced tea.  It is imperative!  Even the early morning employees were appalled at the lack of diet peach iced tea.  (They were almost as distressed as I am.)  I know there is an issue with peaches (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/06/dining/georgia-without-peaches-summer.html), but I haven't heard anything about raspberries.  (Have I missed something?)  Don't tell me to go for lemon; it's just not the same.  A friend tried to comfort me with Snapple brand and I greatly appreciate the thought and generosity, but Wawa is the ONLY way to go in my book.  (Wawa are you listening?  949 needs diet peach and raspberry iced tea STAT!  Get moving!)

I have to run out later this morning to the grocery store and will (reluctantly) pick up Turkey Hill diet iced tea.  (They don't make flavors in diet; at least not that I've found.  If you know differently, enlighten me.)  That is IF I can get out of the street...as time has passed as I've written this more and more construction trucks have arrived.  So much for early morning solitude.  We are about to go into mid-day construction chaos!  

All the more reason for Wawa diet peach (or raspberry) iced tea.  To paraphrase Princess Leia:  Help me Wawa, you're my only hope.  (Cause it's too early for margaritas!)


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