In My Shoes...


Believe it or not, this is not a preachy post about metaphorically walking in my shoes.  No preaching today.  (Or at least not too much preaching.)  Today I am writing about actual shoes.

I love shoes.  I love shoes because in general, if I have gained weight or lost weight, they still look good.  The shoes I bought 5 years ago still fit, even if I have gained a few pounds.  Not so for those pants that I bought.  I find that most of my shoes stand the test of time, unlike many other things in my life.  Even cheaper (or really cheap) shoes seem to last.  So, if it was completely up to me (or if I had it in my budget), I'd buy lots of shoes.  Of course I have a small(ish) wide foot so I've found that finding dress shoes could be a challenge.  (And often expensive.)

With the pandemic, I bought less shoes. I certainly didn't need heels, even though I love the way that they look.  I rarely wear them anymore.  So when I put on a pair on Easter Sunday...well it was an unpleasant surprise for my feet.  (If I recall correctly, I had that same unpleasant surprise on Christmas Eve, which shows you how often I wear heels.)  I've had these shoes for several years.  I'm thinking I bought them back in 2017 or 2018.  I'm pretty sure I bought them in Payless Shoes.  (Remember them?  How I MISS them!  Yes, I know they are online, but it's not the same. I liked going in and finding something special. Additionally, their online "stock" is quite limited.)  I didn't do that much walking in them, but I did stand a lot and as they say, "my dogs were barking."  I think the time for heels has passed.

Most of the shoes that currently reside in my closet are flats.  I do have boots, some with a bit of a heel and some without, but thankful we are exiting the season of boots and getting into the season of sandals.  It goes without saying that this is my FAVORITE time of year.  I have lots of sandals...with heels, but most are reasonable for the day to day.

However, I'm going to need new shoes, or a new type of shoe.  A type of shoe that might not exist (although I hope it does.)  As we enter the warmer months and as I am "requested" to go into the office three times a week, I would like to wear more dresses and skirts.  I've got a lot in my closet and I like to wear them (even when I am working at home).  I have more than my share of dresses that are professional and comfortable (in my opinion) and I want to wear them.  However, if I am to wear them to the office, I need to match them with professional/attractive shoes that are not only comfortable but are good for distance walking.  

By distance I mean several miles a day.  In order to catch the express bus to Newark Penn Station in the morning, I have to walk downtown.  That walk is just under a mile.  Most of it is downhill but the final quarter is uphill.  Of course, the walk home is predominantly uphill.  So I need something attractive, but also comfortable enough to do some serious walking.  

Now I could put in less mileage by taking a local bus.  However, that means getting off the bus and taking the city subway/light rail.  Not a big deal, but that means stairs.  Stairs to go down to the station and then stairs to go up when we arrive at Penn Station.  No matter if I take a local or an express, I still have to walk approximately 2 blocks from the station to my building.  Luckily this is all done via indoor elevated corridors so there's no exposure to the elements.  In short (too late, I know), no matter what, I'm doing a lot of walking and stair climbing and I'd like shoes that could handle all of that.  Is there such a thing?

I know that my other alternative is doing the 1990's "working girl" thing:  wearing sneakers and changing when I get to the office.  While that makes "foot sense," I don't know how much more I can cram into my backpack.  However, if I can find (or someone cannot recommend) a nice pair of flats that would fit my bill, this might be the only option I have.

Today, for the first time I wore a dress. (I’m glad I did because I just met someone who I have worked with for 7 years but never met face to face.)  I wore flats (purchased in person at Payless) which are comfortable.  However, the left side of the left shoe kept sliding into my foot.  (I'm not explaining that well).  So I'd actually be stepping on the side of the shoe, which was not comfortable.  I'd have to stop and adjust and go on.  If it had happened just once...but it didn't so...

There must be someone out there who has dealt with this issue before and has a solution.  Right?  Someone with a foot that is small and wide and has to walk a distance to the office?  I can't be the only one...can I?  Calling on all 6.5W ladies!  Fill me with your wisdom and suggestions.  I will thank you and so will my feet.


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