Tick Tock Goes the Clock

You know what you've got to do this weekend, right?  You know what happens at 2 AM on Sunday morning right?

Fall Back.

Spring Ahead.

I've pretty much given up my morning walks because it's just too darned dark.  (It's also been cold and the only days when it has been actually warm enough for me to risk going out; it's been raining and wet leaves equals Bfth falling on her ass or otherwise, so I've had to pass.)  I've been trying to get outside for some fresh air and sunshine at lunch, but that doesn't always work.  It may LOOK nice outside, but it doesn't always feel that way.  (Especially when my window thermometer in the office hits the 90s and it's barely 40 and windy outside.)

My husband and I went to the grocery store the other morning.  We like to be there at opening so we can grab out stuff, get out and unload BEFORE I take the kid to school and I head to work.  I pulled in the parking lot just before seven.  It was still dark out!  Thankfully it was light by the time we were finished (in just under a half an hour), but...what happened to those days when I woke up and the sun was already peeking over the horizon?  (Umm...that was called spring and summer and despite the moderate temperature as I write this, those days are LONG gone.)

While no one is going to complain about getting an extra hour of sleep on Sunday (does that really happen?), EVERYONE is going to complain about how the days turn into night all too fast and the morning comes later and later.  The drive home from work in the dark.  Who loves that?  It certainly doesn't speed up the traffic or make things any easier!  We all hate it, don't we?  (And let's not talk about the drive IN to work!)

Thanksgiving looms large...its closer than you think.  Since there are five Thursdays this year in November, Thanksgiving is extra early.  I was already plotting what I might need for Thanksgiving dinner as I did my grocery shopping this week.  What's on sale this week that I might need?  What's on sale next week?  Where did the pumpkin puree get to?

With Halloween over, Christmas is here...at least that's what the merchants want you to think.  (Its very few who actually focus on Thanksgiving before moving on...let's face it most cram it all together:  Hallo-Thanks-Mas!)  Hallmark Channel(s) have been non-stop Holiday Movie-ing since BEFORE Halloween!  (Really???  YES!  I am guilty of watching and I don't know how I feel about that!)  Why haven't I gotten a jump on my holiday shopping?  Why am I doing holiday shopping?  What do we really need?  Do I really need to start off 2019 with credit card bills?  But I need to put something under the tree!  But what do we really need?  Vicious cycle rears it's ugly head here.

We may have "earned" an hour as we set the clocks back, but it feels like time is racing faster and faster.  There is no stopping the year end as it sprints to it's conclusion!

Tick Tock!  Tick Tock!  Don't forget to set your clock!   And do the other million things that we "need" to do before the year ends! 

Maybe what we really need to do is take a couple of deep breathes and take advantage of that hour with some shut eye.  Taking the time for ourselves and not for all the other "stuff."

Good advice, right?  Now let's see if we can take it!


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