To My Son's Teachers
School's out for summer! I'm sure you are celebrating just as much as the kids who have left your classrooms. And why not? I'm sure it's been an exhausting year for you. Just like parenting, teaching is not a cut and dried "occupation." Work doesn't begin at 8 and end at 3; it starts long before that and continues on long after the last bell of the day has rung. If I'm exhausted, I can't imagine an accurate word to describe what you are!
Being a parent is a challenge. (No one's going to argue with me on that one, right?) This year we've deal with attitude, body odor, forgotten assignments, late homework, bad language, growth spurts, attire changes, boy/girl relationships...the list goes on and on. When I think of all that has gone on in the past school year, I wonder how I survived with my sanity intact. (Maybe I didn't!)
As much as being a parent is a challenge, being a teacher must be an even greater one. I am not a teacher, so I can only begin to imagine, but let me say that I am grateful that you chose to take this path and that you were part of my son's life this year with all of it's highs and lows. (And I know there were a LOT of both this school year.)
Let's be honest his age range is NOT an easy one. You were not only dealing with my tween son, but I have no idea how many middle-schoolers. These are the kids who are raging with hormones as they try to feel their way into the world. They make bad decision, don't listen, and are incredibly forgetful. There must be more drama(s) in your day than there are in the complete works of William Shakespeare! Yet you have dealt with it without killing anyone. (And I can bet there are plenty of times when you wanted to strangle someone.) However you got through it (screaming in the restroom, multiple glasses of wine, massage therapy....????) kudos to you for doing it. And kudos to you to returning to this often thankless occupation year after year. (Which is only one of many reasons why I want to thank you this very instant. This parent appreciates you.)
May you have a summer of peace. May you have a summer of rest. May you have a summer of fun. Because I know all too soon you'll be back in the classroom with another group of hormonal tweens and their dramas.
Thank you and bless you all!
Being a parent is a challenge. (No one's going to argue with me on that one, right?) This year we've deal with attitude, body odor, forgotten assignments, late homework, bad language, growth spurts, attire changes, boy/girl relationships...the list goes on and on. When I think of all that has gone on in the past school year, I wonder how I survived with my sanity intact. (Maybe I didn't!)
As much as being a parent is a challenge, being a teacher must be an even greater one. I am not a teacher, so I can only begin to imagine, but let me say that I am grateful that you chose to take this path and that you were part of my son's life this year with all of it's highs and lows. (And I know there were a LOT of both this school year.)
Let's be honest his age range is NOT an easy one. You were not only dealing with my tween son, but I have no idea how many middle-schoolers. These are the kids who are raging with hormones as they try to feel their way into the world. They make bad decision, don't listen, and are incredibly forgetful. There must be more drama(s) in your day than there are in the complete works of William Shakespeare! Yet you have dealt with it without killing anyone. (And I can bet there are plenty of times when you wanted to strangle someone.) However you got through it (screaming in the restroom, multiple glasses of wine, massage therapy....????) kudos to you for doing it. And kudos to you to returning to this often thankless occupation year after year. (Which is only one of many reasons why I want to thank you this very instant. This parent appreciates you.)
May you have a summer of peace. May you have a summer of rest. May you have a summer of fun. Because I know all too soon you'll be back in the classroom with another group of hormonal tweens and their dramas.
Thank you and bless you all!
Beautiful! And the teachers at HBW are some of the best!