Another Day...

It's just another day...I look out the window of my office.  It's a beautiful day.  The sun is shining. The sky is blue with some puffy white clouds dotting it.  I see marshland, some cars rolling by on the turnpike and in the distance in NYC.  It is truly another beautiful day.

September 11 was another day.  A day with people rushing to work in the city.  A day with people boarding planes to get to their vacation destination.  It was just another day.  Until it wasn't.

July 20th was just another day. It was a summer day where the rush slows down.  A good time to see a new movie at midnight.  It was just another day.  Until it wasn't.

April 13th was just another day.  A day with thousands running the 117th Boston Marathon and proving their personal best.  A day with friends and family cheering them on.  It was just another day.  Until it wasn't.

June 17th was just another day.  Not yet summer, but summer-like in Charleston.  A cool enough evening for Bible study.  It was just another day.  Until it wasn't.

July 14th might have just been another day if it were not for Bastille Day celebrations.  A day at the beach for some.  Perhaps a night of fireworks for others.  Vacationers enjoying Nice. I'd consider it just another day.  Until it wasn't.

December 14th was just another day.  Kids going to school.  Parents preparing for the upcoming holidays.  Anticipation in the air.  It was just another day.  Until it wasn't.

August 20th was just another day.  A summer day where people could board a train for business or pleasure and watch the Belgian countryside go by.  It was just another day.  Until it wasn't.

October 1st was just another day...

WE have a problem.  It is not a problem with guns.  It is not a problem with explosives.  It is not a problem with knives.  It is not THEIR problem.  It is OUR problem. WE have a problem.

When I say "WE" I am not talking about Americans.  I am not talking about Christians.  I am not talking about African Americans.  I am not talking about men.  I AM talking about ALL of us.  I am talking about ALL of humanity.  We are ALL part of the human race.  We are ALL made of flesh and blood.  We are ALL made up of the same genetic material.

This ongoing violence is a problem of humanity.  It is NOT going to stop or at least slow down/decrease until WE come together; communicate with each other (listening AND talking); AND work together.

As naive and/or optimistic as I may be, I do realize that the whole world is not going to come together, hold hands while smiling and drink a cola.  (How many of you are old enough to remember that commercial?)  However, if we want to put an end to the madness, or at least control it somewhat, we NEED to work with each other.  We need to stop pointing fingers.  We need to stop yelling.  We need to stop blaming.  We've done that for far too long.  The results are...are there any?

We need to stop complaining on social media.  We need to stop bashing each other and our points of view.  We need to respect each other, even if we don't agree.  We need to talk.  We need to listen.  We need to come up with plans.  We need to act.  We need to act TOGETHER.

We need to realize that it's not US vs THEM.  We are ALL us.  We are ALL them.

Are we, not as a town, state or nation, but as a WORLD, ready to commit to each other?  To work WITH each other.  To respect each other?  

Or is today, tomorrow, next week, next month... going to be just another day?


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