Stewardship is Easy?

(This is a message that I presented Sunday, October 30th to the church that I attend.  Take from it what you will.)

So next week is our official stewardship Sunday and you've been hearing about it for the past couple of weeks.  I'm here this week to tell you stewardship is easy.  Once a year, someone gets up here and reminds you about it and asks you to send in your pledge card. Easy to fill out, easy to send in or put in the collection plate.

Here's how simple it is. For example, if I cut out a large latte once a week at Dunkin Donuts that's about $4.5 a week times 52 weeks, which is $234, but I'll be generous and round up to $250.  Since I'm in choir and prone to forgetting a weekly envelope as I run out of the house on Sunday mornings, I'll just go home and write and check.  Over and done.  Easy.  Just another "bill" I can check off my list.  I'm done.  Don't have to think about it again until next October. Right?  Easy?

I suppose that's one way you could think of it.  But is that truly Christian stewardship?  When we make our pledge we are not just paying a bill.  We are doing God's work, we are sharing God's word, and we are making a commitment.  It is not just a financial commitment, but also a promise to  give of ourselves.  In Genesis 2:15 it says:   The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.  We need to be good stewards; to care for our church, both the physical building and the people in it.  We need to care of our community and for our world.   That means giving of our time, our talent AND our money.  We need to give all three in order to truly be stewards of Christ.

So next Sunday is stewardship Sunday.  One week from today.  We're all busy and who wouldn't want to take the easy way out and just write a down a number on a pledge card or make out a check.  But let's be good stewards; let's take just a few minutes to pray this week and consider what we can do.  How we can give.   As it says in Phillipians 4:  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Let's consider how we have been given strength.  We are blessed.  Just look around. We have been blessed.  I hope we can all take just a few minutes out of this upcoming our crazy week to pray and consider how we can use our blessings to be good stewards.  


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