Why It Was An Awesome Birthday

Don't get me wrong; I love presents!  You can never get enough; that's my motto.  I loved the presents I got. I could tell that they were truly picked out with me in mind, but that's not what made my birthday awesome.

It wasn't the cake either.  There was no cake this year.  The vegetarian (AKA "egg free") bakery in town closed so there was no incredible cake like there was last year.  But then again, how could that be topped?

Here's why it was a great birthday:

  • It was a sunny Saturday.  You can't go wrong with that
  • My guys got up and drove with me to the NJ shore.  Again, you can't go wrong with that.
  • We passed a horrific car accident.  We weren't in it.  How grateful am I for that?
  • We passed a caravan of Army jeeps.  How thankful am I for the men and women who serve?
  • We ate breakfast (Wawa coffee and freshly cut mango) in the sunshine on the deck at my parent's house.  Does it get more relaxing than that?
  • I laughed over the funniest birthday card ever.  (It read on the cover:  "Happy birthday from the both of us.  The cute one and the smart one." On the inside:  "They're both me.  He'll sign anything I put in front of him."  I still can't figure out which of my guys is the "me.)
  • I went with my guys to the beach.  The tide was low.  The sand bar was within easy reach.  The water was cold, but not too cold.  My son and I enjoyed the surf.  My husband and I enjoyed soaking up the sun and reading.  I found some lovely sea glass.
  • My whole family had a wonderful lunch outside on the deck.  Everything is better with Wawa diet peach iced tea...even a corned beef sandwich
  • My dad took the boys and me out on his boat.  It was a lovely afternoon on Barnegat Bay.  Blue sky with fluffy white clouds and a sailboat race in the distance made it picture perfect.
  • A drive home that was not too filled with traffic.
  • Pizza and wine (for me) for dinner.  Again, you can't go wrong!
Yes, there was one downside...the road to my favorite Christmas Tree Shop was closed.  (Yes, I have a favorite Christmas Tree Shop!)  So we didn't get to go.  Now if that's the worst thing that happened on my birthday, you know it's been a pretty darned good day.

I have started to make plans for my "big birthday" which is in a couple of years.  I want it to be very special and perfect.  But I have to admit after the wonderful day I had today, it's going to be hard to top.

Sunshine, surf, sand,  family and lots of laughter; that makes for an awesome birthday!


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