An All Too Brief Summer Vacation Part 2: The First Day of the Actual Vacation
In case you missed it:
I had hesitated to tell my son about our Skytop vacation, but surprising him would have been impossible. (I was only able to pull that off once in think on December 31, 2014 when I told him that part of his Christmas present included a trip to the "ice farm". It took him a while to catch on but he'll NEVER let us fool him again!) He had been away with his paternal grandparents (taking that postponed Cape Cod trip that my husband and I never got to do) and when he got home as I was doing his laundry, I told him that he should think about what suit(s) he might want to pack if he was going away somewhere. He already KNEW we were going away, and he was 99% certain of where we were going (he's a smart kid), but he didn't know when. So he immediately asked how much time he had to "prepare and pack" and when I told him we would be leaving the next morning, he went into high gear. (Although he did run out for several hours to play with some friends!)
I had hesitated to tell my son about our Skytop vacation, but surprising him would have been impossible. (I was only able to pull that off once in think on December 31, 2014 when I told him that part of his Christmas present included a trip to the "ice farm". It took him a while to catch on but he'll NEVER let us fool him again!) He had been away with his paternal grandparents (taking that postponed Cape Cod trip that my husband and I never got to do) and when he got home as I was doing his laundry, I told him that he should think about what suit(s) he might want to pack if he was going away somewhere. He already KNEW we were going away, and he was 99% certain of where we were going (he's a smart kid), but he didn't know when. So he immediately asked how much time he had to "prepare and pack" and when I told him we would be leaving the next morning, he went into high gear. (Although he did run out for several hours to play with some friends!)
The next morning, under
threatening skies, we packed up the car (3 suitcases, 2 bulging garment bags, a
messenger bag of electronics [not mine!], my purse and a umbrella [which would
be MUCH NEEDED]) and headed west on route 80. We made a rest stop right
before the Delaware Water Gap for two reasons. Number 1 I needed a
bathroom break (hubby makes excellent coffee and I always drink too much of it)
and number 2 I hadn't eaten any breakfast and our dinner reservations in the
Windsor Dining room were not until 6:45. So we incorporated a fast food
stop into our break.
Crossing the Delaware
and getting off the highway and onto Route 447 (and eventually 390) is stepping
into a different world. The tristate mindset needs to be left at the
entrance to 447 (by the Days Inn)! You are no longer on a highway full of
exits or roads full of big box stores or much of anything. There is just
a two lane road with greenery on either side. Sometimes a river/brook
meanders alongside. Sometimes you can see rarely used train tracks.
(How do you think they got to the Poconos "back in the day?"?)
There is the eerily abandoned shell of Penn Hills resort. (Check
out: to see
what I mean). There are scattered billboards in various state of
disrepair. (And there are some that are just fine.) But mostly what
you'll find it just road. Road and nothing much else.
When you turn onto Route
390, you are starting your climb to Skytop. The landscape of golf course
tells you that you are on the property even before you are officially
welcomed. At this time of year it is clear, green and utterly
breathtaking. (No matter what time of year it is, it is utterly
As you turn in, you will
pass the gate and head over the bridge. You will make your way up the long
meandering drive and lead you to the stone lodge that looks like it was born
from the mountain on which it sits. The road is narrow and curved, so
take your time. There is no rush. Breathe! Look to the right
and see the magnificent lake. Look out at the grounds and the golf
course. Let the serenity in. This is what Skytop is. Lush and
lovely; no matter what the season.

As you pull up to the North Porch Portico, you will be greeted by one of the bell staff.

Robert has loaded and unloaded our car
several times over the years. Without request he gets our bags and will
park our car (moving back the driver's seat because I am much shorter than he)
while we check in.
As we checked in, I immediately noticed
that the front desk has been renovated and the activities desk moved from the
lower level of the lodge to the main level right around the corner from check
in. (Makes perfect sense).
It looks great, although I am a bit
nostalgic for the old layout where keys could be placed in cubbyholes.
On this particular afternoon, there was no
one in line at check in. (Don't expect this if you come to visit during
the holidays when the resort is jam packed...and for good reason...they know
how to celebrate!) Our room was ready and it was the same room we had
been in the year before which really fit our family well. (Remember, the
lodge was built in the 1920s and even with renovations are on the smallish
side. This particular room had a King sized bed, but also an oversized
chair/loveseat which pulled out into a bed. This works much better for us
than having a cot in the room, especially since my son is now nearly 6 feet
With a bellman and our luggage we headed
up to the 3rd floor. The boys took the elevator while I took the
stairs. (There are two public elevators. The one by the check in
desk was the one closer to our room and is "newer". The
older/"old fashioned" elevator with sliding gate on the east end of
the lodge is the one that every child will find fascinating and will want to
ride ad nauseum. The Skytop staff has put up with this for decades I
know, because I was once one of those obnoxious brats that rode it incessantly
from floor to floor and my son now has that mantle passed on to him. ) I
beat them to the room by a few seconds.
![]() |
View from our room |
Waiting in the room was a birthday card
for my son (since this vacation was part of a birthday present to him) along
with an $8 gift card to the tea room (for that sweet snack). There was
also a welcome note for us all with a small packet of Skytop mints (available
for purchase in the gift shop located on the lower level) which would be
scarfed up by my son before our trip was through.
We did some unpacking and settled
in. My son donned his fedora and trench coat (yes, you read that right
and if you've followed my blogging you are surprised by this at all) and went
out for a walk (in the rain).
I went for a walk too, but inside. I
may have been coming here for years, but I like to check things out. I
peeked into the new Corner Roast which smelled heavenly. (A mocha was
definitely in my future.) Then I made my way down to the lower
level/recreation area where there are video games along with more traditional
ping pong and pool tables. There were also a few tables just outside the
tea room to hold accommodate those who could got get a seat inside (or who
wanted to sit outside in the courtyard in the rain). While the tea room
was not too crowded, the newly expanded Tap Room was obviously THE PLACE to
be. While it's been modernized (there are flat screens tvs on the walls)
it still maintains the integrity of the space and remains a classic taproom
with an old world mysterious vibe.
I got a little chilly
after a while (amazing considering the previous week at home had me sweating
with temperatures in the 90s) so I ran back to up to the room and got my sweat
jacket (good move on my part for bringing it). I also ended up with that
Mocha ($4.25 for a small which is reasonable by coffee house prices.) The
barista drew a heart on it (although he ruefully said it looked more like an
onion) before putting the lid on.
I found my son sitting
by the fireplace (which was not lit) and convinced him to go get a deck of
cards. (We had brought some, but I'm sure you can find some if you
ask. There were chess boards strategically placed around the Lodge and
throughout the weekend I saw more and more families playing card and board
games. Family time is NOT dead and thrives at Skytop!) We played 3
rounds of Gin (Not to rub it in, but I won all 3 rounds!) and watching people
come and go. Saturdays are big wedding days and even the rain doesn't put
a damper on things. (The staff at Skytop wouldn't allow it!)
My son had enough of
card games and went off to get cookies and tea (although he might have actually
gone for lemonade). This 4 o'clock tradition goes back much further than
my time. (Perhaps as far back as opening day?) The service is more
casual now (no china cups), but still a lovely tradition. (Although I
imagine the way to TRULY enjoy tea was to have it served to you on the frozen
lake by waiters on ice skates...and there are photos of this to prove that it
was done at least once in the early years! Don't believe me, check out
Images of America Skytop Lodge page 102!)
With the rain letting up
(at least for the moment), I wandered to my car to get the umbrella I had left
there. (Good place for it, right? It was not until later that my
husband pointed out that there were 2 large umbrellas in the room's
closet.) I wandered over to the sports pavilion which has ice skating in
the winter. (I CAN still skate; poorly) During the warmer month bikes are
available here for rent. I continued to walk around a bit in the rain.
Just observing the clouds and the mist that settled over the trees and
mountains was more relaxing and fun than you can imagine.
I thought about heading
down to the pool (would have to settle indoors) as I could see it wasn't that
busy, but I never got there. Instead I did some window shopping in the
gift shop and tea room. I could see the Tap room was STILL hopping!
Decided to end the
afternoon back on the South Porch with my Nook and a glass of wine. Can
an afternoon end any more perfectly than that?
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