Bunny Hopping
Last Friday, I donned a bunny suit and spent an hour hopping
around my yard entertaining (or maybe scaring) the kids in my neighborhood.
Ok, in all honesty, I really didn't hop all that much. For the most
part I groped around. Those costumes say one size fits most and the
costume did fit, but I'm shorter than most and moving around wasn't easy
especially with a "head" that didn't fit all that well leaving me
very little room to see.
This is the 2nd time I've put on the
costume. The first was back in 2012 when I "volunteered" when
the head of the division of the company I worked for at the time had the
wonderful idea to have a department wide egg dying contest. We arranged
for a conference room to be available for all of the morning and most of the
afternoon. Eggs and decorations were provided; imaginations were
encouraged. It was a blast. The two winners were presented with
their prizes by the Easter Bunny (me) and then the bunny made rounds throughout
the entire building. Most people had no clue who it was and despite it
being extremely hot (it gave me a new respect for those cast members who were
are in similar situations at Disney), I had a wonderful day. (I also had
a wonderful "handler" who not only escorted me around, but helped me
get into the thing...it is NOT a one person job!).
The costume belongs to my neighbor and
it's been donned by a variety of people over the years as our block celebrates
the holiday with an Easter Egg Hunt. I'm not sure how many years this has
actually been going on, but I've been aware of it since 2006 when my son first
took part (although he really didn't take too much part, but I do have photos
of him with plastic eggs). 2007 is the first hunt that I really recall,
mostly because my son really became an active participant. It was a cold
one because he is dressed in a winter coat and hat, as are all the kids.
It was done on a Saturday morning. Again, this I remember because I
have a photo of my son with a chocolate filled donut. I believe it was
the first time he experienced cream filled donuts and the photo says it all.
As long as my son has been alive, I can
remember the annual events; although 2 years ago there was no hunt so my
neighbor, Mary, who was the heart and soul of the block, got a piƱata and
filled it with candy (or maybe it was prefilled). She had my son and
another little girl whack at it, until it finally broke and there was tons of
candy to be split between the two of them.
It didn't matter how many children there
were; Mary always made sure that something special happened at Easter. Which is
why I wanted to make sure that the tradition continued on.
Last year was Mary's last Easter egg hunt,
although we didn't know it at the time. (Maybe we suspected, but I know I
didn't want to think it.) For the first time it was held on Easter Sunday
because it was the ONLY time we could get just about all the kids together.
It was a beautiful Sunday morning. My son ran around in his suit.
We had to get to church, but I didn't want to miss out, so we went a
little later. He collected his eggs, ran around without getting messy and
I snapped tons of photos. It was a wonderful day and a memory that I will
Which is why I wanted to make sure that
the memories continued on. I got a hold of the moms on our block
(Facebook messenger is a wonderful thing) and came up with a date and time that
worked best for the majority of them. (There is no way you can get
everyone, but I sure the heck tried). Then the weather wasn't going to go our
way, so I came up with an alternate day and time.
I bought and stuffed 100 or so eggs.
(No matter how many I have from the previous year there are never enough.
They break. They disappear. It might be all some sort of
conspiracy.) I obsessed over the weather. (Even more so than
Good Friday came and I debated over and
over again. It was warm, but cloudy. There were scattered showers.
Saturday was supposed to be sunny, but cold and windy. The ground
would be damp if I had it Saturday. But it would be damp if it rained too
much on Friday. I obsessed some more over the weather. I checked
the forecast every 15 minutes. We were scheduled to begin at 6 PM and by
4:45 it looked like no rain until 7:30, so we were go.
I climbed into the bunny costume a little
before 5 (too early, as I now know). I'd forgotten how bulky and hot it
could be. I thought I could put it on and go put out the eggs. That
way if anyone saw me they'd see a bunny. Great thought; not so great in
action. As it was I had three older girls in the neighborhood (an older
sister of one of the young ones and her two friends) come to our yard and
"hide" the eggs. I think I scared the you know what out of them
when I came out. (They weren't expecting me).
Hanging around the outside gave the kids a
chance to see me and get used to me prior to the actual "event."
Even I have to admit that the bunny is a little scary looking. Our
next door neighbor had a chance to observe from her front window. She was
definitely nervous. I kept waving to reassure her. It worked for a while...that
is until later when I approached her baby brother who promptly broke out into
screams and tears. So did she. So much for that.
Other moms on the street pitched in and
added to the bounty in my backyard. We may have had more eggs than they
did on the White House Lawn this year!
By six there were 10 kids running all over
the yard. My plan of letting the little ones go back first followed by
the older ones was foiled, but my husband managed to get the older ones to go
to the "way back" yard while the little ones stayed closer to the
house. (We have a very large, hilly yard.) There were kids running,
yelling and even falling everywhere. Baskets were quickly filled with
plastic eggs. Baskets were emptied into bags and filled again! (That's
how much candy there was).
Eggs were opened. Candy was eaten.
(So much candy was eaten that no dinner was served in my house that
night. Yes, my son's evening meal consisted solely of sugar filled
treats.) There was laughter. There was NO rain.
I'd like to think I did Mary proud.
I'd also like to think that it didn't rain during the hour or so that
everyone was out there because of her. (I'd also like to think that up in
heaven, when Mary speaks, God listens.)
After an hour or so in the costume, I went
inside and changed. To say I was a sweaty mess is to put it mildly.
But I went back outside in "normal" clothes and joined in the
fun. And when it was all over, I cleaned up the wrappers, the spilled
candy and the broken eggs with the help of my son. (Who volunteered to
help, which tells me I must be doing something right.)
For me, the Easter egg hunt was the
highlight of my Easter weekend. Not to be sacrilegious, but it was more
important than any service on Easter Sunday morning. It embodied the joy
of Easter. Of children of all ages being together in the best possible
way. There was sharing and laughter. There was a spirit there that
night that I will carry in my heart.
I'd like to say I pulled it off, but I had
help. And not just the help of my neighbors, but help from Mary.
SHE helped me keep the tradition going, even if she isn't physically here
Easter comes early in 2016. I've
already got my calendar marked for Friday, March 25th and told my neighbors to
mark their calendars too. I'll gladly don the bunny costume again and I,
and the rest of my neighbors, will keep the tradition and the spirit alive.
Thank you Mary.
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