The Evolving Church

(Explanation:  From time to time I fill in when our pastor is away.  Today was one of those Sundays.  This mediation was inspired by my congregation as well as Psalm 150 and Ephesians 4:  1-7 and 25-32)

Here we are; the 2nd Sunday of Easter; the 2000+ Easter in history and the 120+ Easter celebration for this congregation.  The Good News has been spread for over 2000 years and we, as a congregation have been sharing it for 125 years. Think of how amazing that is.  For over 2000 years the message has been spread and shared. They didn’t even have Facebook back then! Yet the message still persisted. Word of mouth, written word, digital; the story of the resurrection and God’s love continues.  And we are a part of that. All of us, those here in the pews today and those of us who part of this church family who aren’t here, share the story. Each and every one of us, no matter how old or young, has a vital part in declaring God’s love.

The news of God’s love is unchanging; the method of delivery continues to grow and evolve.  Moses may have brought the 10 commandments down the mountain on two tablets. I have texted bible verses to friends. Is one method better than another?   The best method is the one that is heard and understood. That method varies from person to person. As a church family, we recognize and need to continue to recognize, that every member of this family has his or her own way of hearing and spreading the word of God.  No one way is better; each one is valid. No one person has the right or perfect way to share that message. Each one of us is unique; each one of us hears and shares in a different way. That needs to be respected and celebrated in order for us to continue to survive and thrive in this ever changing world.

Since each and every one of us is unique, so is our interpretation and delivery of God’s word.  For example, let’s take the Old Testament reading today. There is the poetry of the King James’ version that speaks to some of us:  Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.  Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.  Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.  Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.  Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.  Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

Others might prefer something more contemporary. From the Good News Translation:  Praise the Lord! Praise God in his Temple! Praise his strength in heaven! Praise him for the mighty things he has done.    Praise his supreme greatness. Praise him with trumpets. Praise him with harps and lyres. Praise him with drums and dancing.   Praise him with harps and flutes. Praise him with cymbals. Praise him with loud cymbals. Praise the Lord, all living creatures! Praise the Lord! It’s the same message.  One is not right or wrong; one is not better than the other. And while the Good News Translation speaks to me; the King James might be what your soul thirsts for. That’s part of the joy that is God’s word; he speaks to ALL of us.  It doesn’t matter who we are or where we are; God is inclusive.
Inclusivity is an essential part of what has kept Christianity and this church community moving forward. This is NOT the First Church of Beth; the church is ALL of us. Our church family does not just consist of those of us sitting here in the pews; there are members of our family who may never step into this sanctuary and are vital to our growth and mission. That is a change from the way things once were. There was a time when photography was forbidden during a service. Our beloved sexton, Andy has told me how he was instructed to put his hand over the lens of a camera if he saw someone was going to take a photo. But that was then. Just yesterday we had a wedding here and there were multiple videographers and photographers. Weekly photos are taken during our service and shared; in emails, on social media and so on. Times have changed; and so has this church. It’s essential to remember that our mission and family are more than just this space.  For some our mission begins here; for others it starts somewhere else. Being present on a Sunday is certainly important (especially today because I like a good crowd), but it is NOT requisite to sharing the good news. Being here reminds of the good news; it reinforces the message. It can renew us so that we have the energy to share. But our mission is more than just being present one day a week; it is actively LIVING the word. That may be in the form of working in the kitchen or looking after our youngest.  Or it may be visiting someone who is not physically able to be here. It might be texting a teen a biblical passage that spoke to you and you wanted to share.
There are members of our family who may never open a physical Bible.  I know I rarely do. That is not to say that I don’t read passages regularly.  I do. But for me a physical Bible; the red book that we find in the pews is not the way to do.  I pull out my phone...and voila there is the Bible app and I can quickly find a passage that I am looking for.  For ME this the way to read the word of God. That does not mean it is the only way. It does not mean it is the best way.  What is it is the best way for ME. It is because of technology; the result of change, that I read biblical passages more often.  I respect those of you who read the Bible in a traditional way; just as I hope you respect me for doing so in a different way.
We all have different ways of learning and of approaching Christianity.  Our individuality makes us stronger as a church family. Which is why it’s important to recognize that each approach has its worth.  And each voice, no matter how young or old, needs to be listened to and considered.
Christianity is not static. It never has been.   While the message remains, the methods are constantly and wonderfully evolving.  That evolution allows for more to hear the word and to become involved. It doesn’t matter if you’re two, twenty two, fifty two or one hundred and two.  Each of us has our own gifts and talents that we can use to praise God. Not one should be overlooked or taken for granted. When we ignore or chose not to listen, we become static; set in our ways we cease to be part of God’s evolving world.
Share the good news, in whatever way or method that you can.  Listen and learn from others as they share the good news in their own unique ways.  BE the good news. Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.


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