Springing Ahead

 It's that time of year again.  This Saturday at 2 am, we set our clocks ahead of 3 am, as we enter Daylight Saving Time. 

Losing an hour can be rough, but what USED to make it rougher was when we actually had to go around the night before to change the clocks.  (Because who is going to get up/be up at 2 in the morning just to do that?)  Now a days, most clocks and items that show the time automatically update.  There are only a few things in the house that need to be changed manually, making the spring forward much easier.

Of course losing an hour of sleep is never "fun."  Having more daylight, however, is a plus.  Although it does mean that catching the bus in the morning will be more of a challenge.  This week, the sun has been almost up when I catch the bus.  Next week, that won't be the case.  I'll be doing my best to flag it down, but I do realize that it can be a challenge to be seen, especially if I catch the bus that picks me up on the "closer" (to my home) corner, where there is not as much light as the "further" (from my home) stop, where there is a traffic light and the stop is alongside a gas station which is well lit, which makes it easier for me to be seen.  (Uninteresting side note/update:  this week the "early" bus that is closer to my home appeared to be delayed by 10 minutes, so I broke my "rule" and left the house before 6 AM and caught an earlier bus which meant a longer walk.  This earlier bus goes directly to Penn Station, so there was no need for me to get off at the city light rail.  However, even though this might have been "easier" for me as there were no transfer, the timing of my arrival was about the same.  Fascinating info I know.)  Eventually I know that there will be plenty of light when I come and go and I look forward to that.

I'm also looking forward to "springing ahead" to actual spring.  This winter has been long and cold.  (At least in my book.)  We've had lots of snow (not accumulating, but continually falling from the sky.)  We've had too much ice.  (I prefer ice in my drink and not on my walk.)  We've had way too much wind!  I am ready for March 20th to herald in the official start of spring and I am hoping that the weather will get the memo and we will start to see less lion and more lamb.  (You know what I mean?)

While Lent has just started, I am ready to spring ahead to Easter.  Yes, I have given up chocolate and alcohol again for this Lenten season.  Enough of a Lenten sacrifice?  Maybe not.  As I have said and done in the past (https://bfthsboringblog.blogspot.com/2015/02/giving-up-or-giving.html), I also try to find time to give during Lent.  (I know here is a Lenten challenge to collect an item every day during Lent to donate to your local food pantry.  It's a great idea if you want to try.)  I find the best thing I can give during Lent is kindness.  Yes, we SHOULD be kind every day (it doesn't cost anything and you never know the true value it can hold), but during Lent I am trying to be more conscious of my words and actions; to make sure what I say and do IS kind.  After all, isn't that what Christ taught us (or tried to), to care for one another?  (Or if we to go "Old Testament" there's Micah 6:8:  "He has told you, mortal one, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?")

I am ready to spring past the sacrifices of Lent (even as I know they are necessary) and embrace the joy of Easter.  (I know that without Lent there can be no Easter, but let's "spring" over that now too.)  With all of the bad news that encompasses our world now, I am more than ready to welcome the good news of Easter.  Actually, I am ready to welcome ANY good news.  If you have some, share.  If you don't, work towards creating it.  

I want to and am ready to spring into a future full of love and kindness.  Aren't you?  Be kind and let's make it happen!


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