False Spring?

Spring is here?  Or not?

Spring doesn't officially arrive for another week and a half, but yesterday felt like spring!  It was AMAZING!  I actually went outside to work midday. (Got to love laptops so you can be mobile and do whatever you need to do and not be stuck in one place.)  It was glorious.  But it's not going to last...

In the Pocono mountains, most of the snow has melted.  As of yesterday, there were still a few little patches.  Not much and I am hopeful that the rest will melt away today.  

There were a lot of branches and twig scattered around the property.  That is due to all the wind and ice we've had this winter.  While we've had more than our share of snow falling from the sky, the actual accumulation this winter hasn't been too bad.  (I'm hoping that my March payment to our plow service will be the last, but...)  The worst part of this winter (thus far) has been all the ice and the WIND.  I'm tempted to call the landscape service.  I'd really like that one big branch dealt with.  I'd like the yard to start looking like a place where I'd want to be again, but...

I am tempted to call the pond company.  I'd like the last of the dead fish removed.  (I am still haunted by that.)  I'd like the pond cleaned up and the "waterfall" fixed  (think I need a new float).  I'd like it to look pretty and inviting, but...

I'd like to be able to turn off the heat in the house.  I've been racing through oil . (Two fill ups in one season?  Ugh!  And I think I'm going to need one more before we truly are done).  I'm electric bill is through the roof and I TRY to be conscious when it comes to that.  PPL is killing me!  (And I'm open to suggestions on how to lower my bill without freezing myself out.)  I was able to turn the heat down yesterday (because the house was already warm enough), but off...I'm sure that's still a long way away.  (Although I really wish it wasn't)

As hard as it was to spring ahead on Sunday morning (it always hurts), having the sun go down later is a blessing.  It even made my drive from PA to NJ a little  more tolerable.  (Route 80 East still requires a detour.  While I appreciate that the governor has finally declared a state of emergency [certainly took long enough], I wish the problem could be solved.  But there's no end in sight, as least as far as I can tell:  https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/transportation/2025/03/10/route-80-sinkhole-in-wharton-nj-closure/81946754007/)  I even had the windows rolled down and didn't wear a coat when I left.  

Although the temps were in the 60s (REJOICE!), they do plummet at night.  These 60 degree temperatures will not last past today. I may be dressed for spring today, but...  (And I kind of regretted it while I waited for the bus in the DARK this morning...the downside of Daylight-Saving Time.  While I won't need my jacket when I head home, I definitely needed it AND more this morning.)  Tomorrow will be a different story.  Although it will be warmish, it won't be as warm and beautiful as it was yesterday (and it will be today once the sun finally does its thing.)

But spring IS on its way, even if it's not fully here yet.  (And even though I've yet to see a robin.) We've been given a wonderful little taste and boy do I want more!



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