Part 2: Hot Days and Endless Queues or...

 ...observations of visit to WDW in the autumn when crowds used to be low.

During my recent vacation to WDW, I visited all 4 of the "main" parks.  I covered the first two here and now it's time to talk about Hollywood Studios and the place where it really all began (in my book), Magic Kingdom.

  • Hollywood Studios:  

    • We (my friend/roomie, MAC, and myself) headed over the morning of my first FULL day (Sunday).  We arrived via Skyliner, which probably took more time than if we had walked (where is the path?) or taken the boat.  However, I had never traveled on the Skyliner and was glad to check it out.  A LOT has changed since my last visit, so there was a lot to take in.  We headed back to Star Wars:  Galaxy's Edge (that's a mouthful) first as we anticipated it would be the most crowded.  I had been told that Rise of the Resistance was a MUST and there was a single rider line! 

      I understand that I missed some "fun" pre-show queue stuff, but I was amazed at what I did experience and can see why this IS a must.  I wish I had been able to do it more than once.  It definitely shows how Disney can pull all the right elements together.  We then headed over to the Millennium Falcon:  Smuggler's Run, which again was exceedingly well done.

        (Turned out I was a better "shooter" than our pilot was at piloting.)  Definitely a rockier ride than MAC would have liked, but she was a "good egg" for doing it.  We took in some of the sights in the land (probably should have taken in more)

      before cutting through Toy Story Land (another new area for me)

      and heading on the LONG line for Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway (or as the woman behind us asked, "What is this ride?" to be answered by her male companion, "Mickey & Minnie ride.").  While this is a cute ride, it really is a shame that they gutted in The Great Movie Ride (which should have been updated and continued in perpetuity in my opinion).  There is no queue theming, which makes the wait seem even longer and I have to wonder where the old props that had been on displayed have gotten to.  Again, I enjoyed the ride, but it really doesn't belong in this space.  Should have kept GMR and found another space.  I was hoping to meet up with another friend who is a "local".  KP told me he was nearby, so we headed toward the front of the park, getting photos with Chip & Dale (who loved my dress...really wish I had gotten an opportunity for a meet and greet with Donald and/or Daisy, but it wasn't in the stars)

      and wandering in some of the shops.  When I finally spotted KP it was a joyful reunion.  (He knows he is one of my favorite people.)  I introduced him to MAC and we wandered around the park meeting Frozone,

      Edna Mode, and Joy before heading off to Toy Story Midway Mania.  (I stink at this, but LOVE it.) 

      We had a late lunch at the Sci Fi.  Lunch was delicious, but the cast member who brought us to the table was obviously reading off a script and every time she would go by we'd hear her say the same exact thing over and over again.  We spent more time in the park going on Star Tours and viewing Muppet Vision (which NEVER gets old; don't EVER get rid of this) before we finally took the boat back to the Boardwalk where we spent several hours in the lounge chatting.  (Drinking and eating too).  I was pleased that we had accomplished so much and also got to take in all of the atmosphere of the park.  (Although I wish they would bring back the street entertainers.  They added so much to the experience)
    • Although I had gotten  most everything I wanted done at DHS, I decided to go back Wednesday night (solo since MAC left with her mother late afternoon) and take advantage of the extra hours.  I also wanted to take in Fantasmic, since KP told me they had made some minor changes.  I love that show (it may be my favorite at this point) and since I was alone I managed to get into the stadium with only 15 minutes to go.  (I sat next to a nice couple who had a baby who couldn't have been more than 6 months old, probably younger.)  The show did not disappoint.

      (Yes, I cried AGAIN).  When I was finally able to make my way out of the stadium (it always takes forever), I went to do M&MRR again and then headed back towards SWGE.  In the dark, I got a little mixed up and when I arrived Rise of the Resistance was not open (bummer) and I decided that after consuming several glasses of wine earlier in the evening, NOT to try the MF: SR or Star Tours.  Getting turned around (again), I finally made it to Toy Story Land where I did TSMM one last time before heading back to the hotel via boat (a LONG wait with aching feet) as I had to get up early(ish) for my flight home.  (Or at least early-ish for me on this trip.) 

  • Magic Kingdom: 
    • Last, but not least, I finally get to the park that started it all.  We got a later start than I would have liked, but we would be in the park late for Mickey's No So Scary Halloween Party.  (Had also been told that park attendance would probably be lower due to the fact that it would be closing to regular visitors earlier than usual.)  We walked through Epcot to get to the monorail and then, since the line was so long, took the ferry across to the park.  When we arrived, the first thing I had to do (after doing some shopping on Main Street and finding a MUST HAVE for that evening's party) was go get a band aid from the first aid station as I had developed a killer blister the day before.  It took longer for me to get my sandal back on, after I had gotten a band aid (which took no time at all) then it did for me to get help!  We took in a short parade before heading back towards Fantasyland where we practically walked on It's a Small World, before heading over to Tomorrowland where we did the People Mover (TTA to me), Monster's Laugh Floor

      (I am still not that guy) and Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin (which I am horrible at...even worse than my attempts at TSMM in DSH). 

       MAC also managed to get us in the virtual queue for Tiana's Bayou Adventure!   We then met up with MAC's mom who was going to have lunch with us, hang out at the parks with us and go to the evening’s party.  I had lunch reservations for three at The Plaza Restaurant, as they have always been very allergy friendly.  Imagine my surprise when our server said Chef Ken would be meeting with us. I had met him back in 2008 or 2009!  When he came out, he hadn't changed a bit!  (How the heck did that happen?) 

      He was as charming, friendly and caring as he had always been.  I had a delicious (and safe) pulled pork sandwich with fries and a root beer. 

      I was in heaven!  A simple, but delicious meal AND we got to see some of the parade go by as we ate.  After lunch we attempted to try the new Country Bear Jamboree

      (after a 20+ minute wait, which was supposed to be 5 minutes, we knew there was an unannounced technical issue and gave up), saw a long line already forming to pick up wristbands for MNSSHP and went to do PotC.  When we came out the line was even longer and it was our slotted time for Tiana's Bayou Adventure!  The queue for this went relatively quickly and there was much to look at.  I think we may have waited 25 minutes before we got on and it really didn't feel that long. (Again, the theming in the queue made it seem much faster.) 

      While I enjoyed (and miss) Splash, this is a wonderful ride.  The audio animatronics are great (and work) and I loved every minute.  I would not hesitate to ride it again (if I could actually do it.)  When we finished, the line for wristbands was not too bad, so we got ours (and our treat bags) and headed back to the hotel so that I could change into my "costume" and we could relax for a bit.  With a dedicated bus, this did not take too long.  We had plenty of time to relax and get some snacks (and drinks) in the lounge before heading back for MNSSHP.
    • MNSSHP:  Once we got in, we were actually directed to a backstage area (behind Main Street towards Tomorrowland). 

      There were candy stations, a DJ and Cruella DeVille.  Throughout all the lands there were candy stations. (My favorite being at Monsters Laugh floor because after you got your candy you could just walk through the show area, or you could sit down as two monsters told jokes and commented on the people walking by. It was almost tempting to just sit there and listen all night.  Maybe then I would have "that guy.)  We wandered around a got candy (though in hindsight, maybe we should have done less of that and more attractions because it was just candy).  There were also some photo ops; we did one depicting Mr. Toad's Wild Ride as well as meeting Cinderella's step-family (which was very interactive). 

      The Haunted Mansion was a long wait, but worth it.  There were storytellers in the grave yard outside. 

      There was also a unique (in my book) photo pass opportunity that I waited in line for. 

      The hitch hiking ghosts were also performing a "live" show by Frontierland which was very cool. 

      We finally managed to get in to see the Country Bear Jamboree.

        (I thought the upgrade was very well done).  We had time for fireworks and the 2nd parade of the evening.  (LOVE the headless horseman who starts it off). 

      After the parade was over (and crowds started to die down), we headed out to "beat the crowds".  WRONG!  We had viewed the parade from the "back of the park" (Frontierland area) and the parade was just wrapping up at the front.  So it took us a long time to get out, get to the ferry (because the monorail line was really long) and then I got to experience something new: the tram ride, as MAC's mom left her car in the lot and we took her car back to the resort.  Because it was so late she stayed overnight with us.  (Although by the time we got back it was technically Wednesday morning.) Which brings me to...
    • Wednesday we decided to head back to Magic Kingdom because there was so much we didn't do and despite the fact that we missed just about everything in Animal Kingdom, I really wanted to spend more time there.  We had a late(ish) breakfast

      in the lounge and took the bus over.  Crowds were much higher.

      MAC and I got in line for the wildest ride in the wilderness, which had about a 40 minute wait. 

      Still the theming at BTMRR is well done, so...I believe we then walked through Fantasyland and did Peter Pan's Flight, Mickey's Philmarmagic (which had changed slightly since I'd last seen it) and over to the Carousel of Progress.  It was back to Liberty Square to check out the Hall of Presidents

      (always very moving).  I got on line to do a solo trek of the Haunted Mansion again.  Wait was posted at 60 minutes (HORRORS!), but was definitely not that long.  Then, sadly, it was time to say goodbye to the Magic Kingdom.  The three of us took the monorail over to Epcot (see previous post) before heading back to the resort where MAC and her mom headed back to her house, leaving me on my own until I headed back north the next morning.
Thus ends my vacation of hot days and endless queues.  Thus ends my "trip report."  Or does it?


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