(Almost) Fully Furnished

 I proudly announced on social media yesterday:  "Ladies & Gentlemen, we have furniture!"  It was a true statement, but not completely.

When we decided to purchase a home in the Poconos, we knew we would need furniture.  (Well how obvious was that?  I sold the house at the shore that my mother left me and took a few pieces (bureau, dresser, secretary/desk, two twin beds (on rolling frames), 3 end tables and 3 tvs.  (Maybe that's more than a few.)  I stored these items at the movers before we closed on the new house.  The day after we closed on the house in the Poconos, the movers came to our home in NJ and along with what they already had in storage, picked up a few more pieces of furniture.  There wasn't much because we still live and work in NJ.  If you walked into the house today, you'd might not even know that anything had been removed.  There is still a full living room, bedrooms, kitchen and (for the most part) dining room.  All that was taken was:  china cabinet, side board (a smaller one still remains in the dining room with my great grandmother's dining room table), two (wooden) chairs, a media cabinet and a few wall hangings.  By the end of that day we still had a fully furnished home in NJ to live in and a home in the Poconos that we also live in, but really didn't have that much furniture.  (It is important to note that we also purchased a new bed before moving and that it arrived on the same day and time as the movers!)

So while we did have some furniture, for the most part our home in the Poconos looked like this:

We spend the first weekend out there visiting several furniture stores.  (And spending more money than I would have liked.  When do I like spending ANY money?)  We ordered items on line.  I paid and my husband assembled.  And assembled.  Over the past month he has put together:  two night tables, one bench (with storage), 4 book cases, two (computer) desk (one with a hutch over it which when positioning it on the desk came close to injuring one or both of us), and a new office chair (which might have turned out to be the most complicated item of them all.)  I should also mention that in addition to assembly of new furniture, he also reassembled all the media in the home (tv, speakers, stereo, computers, etc.)  It's been a lot.

But still the house has been pretty empty.  There's been more furniture outside (patio items that we purchased from the former owners) than there is inside.  Which was great when it was sunny and warm outside.  (Luckily we've had a few days that allowed me to work on the "patio office" as well as having a meal or two al fresco.)  On rainy days...well it wasn't so great.

 Yesterday, our sofa, love seat and chairs finally arrived. And the house is finally really taking shape and becoming a home.  (We're going to ignore the fact that the dining room table won't arrive until nearly Thanksgiving.)  Hubby has put up some artwork on the walls.  (We still have a lot to decide on, but hey, we have plenty of time.)  And for the first time last night, the two of us curled up on the sofa in the family room and watched Only Murders In The Building  (I also had a glass of wine.  It's not a requirement for the show, but...)

 The house is really starting to feel and look like "us."  There still is a long way to go and let's be honest, is any house ever really "finished?"  Aren't we always adding little bits and pieces to (or possibly subtracting from) our residences as we grow and evolve?  I think back to all the changes that we have made to our home in NJ since we set up house back in 1995.  (It scares me to think about how long ago that was!)  I think it's safe to say that in NJ or PA, we are home.  Because where ever your heart and soul are filled with love, you are home.



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