
Showing posts from October, 2024

Why We Are NOT a Christian Nation

  You are probably saying to yourself, "Bfth, it's obvious why.  It's in the Constitution!"  You are correct, the first amendment (that would be the one BEFORE the second amendment, the one which clearly states that "A well regulated Militia , being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.") says:  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  Very clearly we CANNOT be a Christian nation because of separation of church and state.  (It's also why we can't be a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, etc.)  So, yes, it's very clear that we are NOT a Christian nation. With that clearly stated out (did it need to be?), the reason I felt the need to

Part 2: Hot Days and Endless Queues or...

 ...observations of visit to WDW in the autumn when crowds used to be low. During my recent vacation to WDW, I visited all 4 of the "main" parks.  I covered the first two  here  and now it's time to talk about Hollywood Studios and the place where it really all began (in my book), Magic Kingdom. Hollywood Studios:   We (my friend/roomie, MAC, and myself) headed over the morning of my first FULL day (Sunday).  We arrived via Skyliner, which probably took more time than if we had walked (where is the path?) or taken the boat.  However, I had never traveled on the Skyliner and was glad to check it out.  A LOT has changed since my last visit, so there was a lot to take in.  We headed back to Star Wars:  Galaxy's Edge (that's a mouthful) first as we anticipated it would be the most crowded.  I had been told that Rise of the Resistance was a MUST and there was a single rider line!  I understand that I mi

Hello Darkness My Old Friend...

If you're old like me, you know where the title line came from.  (If you're not Google it and then listen to it.  I prefer the original acoustic version, but that wasn't the version that charted.)  That song was running through my head this morning, for several reasons. For one, it's dark when I wake up.  My eyes snapped open at 3:30(ish) this morning.  This usually only happens when I am in NJ (which I am), as I know I will have to get up within the hour if I want to exercise before I head off to work.  So in the darkness I headed out for my morning walk.  I walked for less than an hour and have noticed the trend that I am going slower.  I'd like to claim that it is the dark (although there are plenty of streetlights and other light pollution), but I think it also has to do with my left knee.  You know the one that I injured back in December of 2022 ( ), it still gives me some issues.  It is stiff at times an

Part 1: Hot Days and Endless Queues or...

...observations of visit to WDW in the autumn when crowds used to be low.   I've talked about transportation.  I've talked about resorts.  Now it's time to get down to the nitty gritty:  the parks.  It's what you go for right?  (I don't know after this last trip, I could see myself just spending some time at the Boardwalk...  Of course I've said that before and it never has happened.)  For me this trip was shorter than I usually would take (oh, the days when we stayed for a full week or more) and as the title of this post says it was much hotter than I had expected (and previously experienced) in September.  (On our honeymoon in 1996, I actually wore a light long sleeve shirt and was comfortable.)  It was also more crowded than I have previously seen.  (I am used to "low times" in Disney, which apparently no longer exist.)  I TRIED not to be the cranky old lady, but let's face it...I am and I am not used to long lines and 100 degree temperatures.