It better not be sunny....

Because I don't want that little rodent seeing his shadow today.  Six more weeks of winter?  Haven't we had enough already?  After an early winter, aren't we due for an early spring?

Also, if that little sucker sees his shadow because some cameraman is shining his little in Mr. Hog's tiny face, I'm going to be pretty miffed.

Isn't there any way we can get him up early, before the sun?  Then there would be no shadow...and then, maybe, just maybe there would be an early spring.

So be it Punxsutawney Phil or Essex Ed (who is practically in my backyard), please hid your furry face from the sun.  We've already had more than our share of winter in our part of the woods.  (And I suspect most of the USA feels the same way).  Look for no shadows and bring us to an early spring.

Update:  Well, Phil has let me down.  He saw his shadow.  Six more weeks of winter and according to tomorrow's forecast, despite NJ's spring like conditions today, winter will be roaring back tomorrow with yet another snow storm.

Maybe I should burrow back in bed and hibernate for the next 6 weeks...


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