Where Did the Summer Go?
Summer officially continues onward till September 22nd, but for
many parents, the summer ended next when school started again. (Maybe it
feels like its already ended to those who had have children with sports
training and band camp?) Despite it being 90+ degrees outside, in my
mind, it should be autumn.
But wasn't it just yesterday that school let out and a great
graduation ceremony was being held for the class of 2016? On the other
hand, doesn't the last week of June feel like centuries ago? The days
whiz by and time seems to speed up so that what happened just a week or so ago
is so far in the past that I can barely remember it.
The men from the Department of Public Works who water the flowers
that line the avenue now do so in the dark of the mornings, where it was once
light. The fields of the high school which looked like they would never
be anything but piles of dirt and rubble seem ready to be played upon.
The annual summer concert series held in town square are over and done
with for another year. The community pool is closed.
The weather may remain hot and sticky
(as it always seems to do in the beginning of September), but summer will be
over and all that will be left are memories. It is time to hunker down
with homework and after school activities. (Hope you all purchased your
school supplies!) Time for autumn fundraisers. (Cheesecake anyone?
Email me and get those wallets out to support Music in the Parks.) Time
for football games and marching band competitions. Mums will start popping
up and who will be the first in town to put up Halloween decorations.
(The Halloween candy has been out in the grocery stores for weeks. If
you're already bought your Halloween candy, who are you kidding? It's not
for the kids, it's for you!)
As for me, this summer has been a blur. There was a family
vacation. There were trips to the Jersey shore. There was time
spent outside bar-b-quing. I know all these things happened, and yet it
happened so fast it feels like it never did. (Makes no sense I know!)
There are so many things that I intended to do, but just didn't get
around to them. (Isn't that always the way in summer?)
Oh, well, there is always NEXT summer. As for now, I'll just
wait for the day when I can turn off the air conditioning and embrace the
oncoming fall.
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